Doubt with sql Inner Join in multiple tables


Viewed 104 times


I have three tables. Usuários, Anúncios and Fotos.

To query what I’m doing is to catch the id of the Ad, the Título, to Quantidade of views and the first photo of this ad from the photo table. Since a single ad can have multiple photos. So far so good, but when I put the group by give me this mistake:

1055 - Expression #5 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'vivachapeco.fotosanuncio.foto' which is not functionally dependent on Columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

I need to get a single photo because on the page where this will be displayed query, the result is repeated only because of the amount of photos. Then, the ad with id 1 will be repeated 5 times because it has 5 photos, when in fact, I would like to have only one photo of it.

To query is like this:

SELECT `anuncios`.`id_anuncio`, `anuncios`.`id_user`, `anuncios`.`titulo`,
       `anuncios`.`visualizacoes`, `fotosanuncio`.`foto`
FROM `anuncios`
INNER JOIN `users` 
    ON `users`.`id_user` = `anuncios`.`id_user`
INNER JOIN `fotosanuncio` 
    ON `fotosanuncio`.`id_anuncio` = `anuncios`.`id_anuncio`
    WHERE `users`.`id_user` = 3
GROUP BY `fotosanuncio`.`id_anuncio`;

Already if I take the group by, works "correctly", however, as I have the ad, 1 and 2 with a photo each and the ad 3 with two photos, returns me 4 values, instead of returning 3 values since the intention is to group all the results of the photos by ad.

  • As a rule, everything you have within select has to be in group by

  • Everson, and what would group by then look like? I added the fotosanuncios.id_anuncio in select and still giving the same error.

  • group by anuncios.id_anuncio, anuncios.id_user, anuncios.titulo, anuncios.visualizacoes, fotosanuncio.foto, will stop generating error, but may not bring the records you need.

  • I tested here and returns as if I didn’t have the group by. Returns all the data then repeating the ad that has more than one photo.

  • As is the table fotosanuncio, it possesses some id? put its structure

3 answers


@Felipe Paz... this happens because the relationship of photos with advertising is many to one (n:1). In this case, you can do as follows:

SELECT `anuncios`.`id_anuncio`, `anuncios`.`id_user`, 
`anuncios`.`titulo`, `anuncios`.`visualizacoes`, MAX(`fotosanuncio`.`foto`)
FROM `anuncios`
INNER JOIN `users` 
ON `users`.`id_user` = `anuncios`.`id_user`
INNER JOIN `fotosanuncio` 
ON `fotosanuncio`.`id_anuncio` = `anuncios`.`id_anuncio`
WHERE `users`.`id_user` = 3
GROUP BY `anuncios`.`id_anuncio`, `anuncios`.`id_user`, 

Another way would be to use the instruction DISTINCT:

SELECT DISTINCT `anuncios`.`id_anuncio`, `anuncios`.`id_user`, 
`anuncios`.`titulo`, `anuncios`.`visualizacoes`, `fotosanuncio`.`foto`
FROM `anuncios`
INNER JOIN `users` 
ON `users`.`id_user` = `anuncios`.`id_user`
INNER JOIN `fotosanuncio` 
ON `fotosanuncio`.`id_anuncio` = `anuncios`.`id_anuncio`
WHERE `users`.`id_user` = 3;
  • Well, what I did to solve all this was a slight gambiarra. I just added a column to the ad table as a photo cover. So even if there are too many photos for the ad, this column will be filled only with the first photo. And so I resolved what I needed, yet I will further test the suggestion given by Cleo and put the results.


If you want to view the first saved photo you can use the MIN() if you wanted last inserted you can use the MAX(), note that I asked you if there was a column to identify the photos in your table fotosanuncio because we cannot use min() or max() in the column with the name or path of the photo, for being a text field may not bring the expected result in all cases.

In the example below I related the table to a selection grouping by ad, assuming that your photo table has a cooluna of id_fotos.

Sqlfiddle - Example working online

SELECT anuncios.id_anuncio
   , anuncios.id_user
   , anuncios.titulo
   , anuncios.visualizacoes
   , foto
FROM anuncios
    ON users.id_user = anuncios.id_user
    , foto
    , id_anuncio
  FROM fotosanuncio
  GROUP BY id_anuncio
) fotosanuncio2 
  ON fotosanuncio2.id_anuncio = anuncios.id_anuncio
group by anuncios.id_anuncio
, anuncios.id_user
, anuncios.titulo
, anuncios.visualizacoes
, fotosanuncio2.id_anuncio


if you execute this command: SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE '%sql_mode%' will realize that the value has this string ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY

what you can do is copy the value, go in the file my.ini aidicionar the variable sql_mode with the value that returned from the above query removing only the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY which leaves you free to make non-aggregated groupings.

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