Keylistener for various Jtextfields


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I created a KeyListener for verification of a String typed, if it is in the bank. If it does, it sends an alert.

The question now is that I have about 50 jTextFields. It is possible to create a KeyListener that can be used for all jTextFields? Or I have to create one for each jTextField? 'Cause in my code I specify that I’m picking up the String of jTextField1 for example, not serving for what I need now.

Here is the code of KeyListener

private final KeyListener listener = new KeyListener() {

        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {


        public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
            int max = 4;
            if (max == 4) {
                String digitado = jTextField1.getText().trim();
                if (digitado.length() == max) {

        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {


Method of making the check

public void verificaStringDigitada(String teste) {
        CarroDao carroDao = new CarroDao();
        List<Carro> carros = new ArrayList();
        carros = carroDao.consultarCarros();
        boolean ver = false;
        for (Carro carro : carros) {
            if (carros.contains(teste)) {
                ver = true;
        if (ver == false) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Verifique a digitação!");


private final KeyAdapter listener = new KeyAdapter() {

        public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {

            JTextField field = (JTextField) e.getSource();

            int max = 4;
            if (max == 4) {
                String digitado = field.getText().trim();
                if (digitado.length() == max) {
                    CarroDao carroDao = new CarroDao();
                    List<Carro> carros = new ArrayList();
                    carros = carroDao.consultarCarros();
                    boolean ver = false;
                    for (Carro carro : carros) {
                        if (digitado.equals(carro.getNumero())) {
                            ver = true;
                    if (ver == false) {
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Verifique a digitação!");

1 answer


You can generalize this way:

private final KeyAdapter listener = new KeyAdapter() {

  public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {

    JTextField field = (JTextField) e.getSource();

      int max = 4;
      if (max == 4) {
          String digitado = field.getText().trim();
          if (digitado.length() == max) {
              CarroDao carroDao = new CarroDao();
              List<Carro> carros = new ArrayList();
              carros = carroDao.consultarCarros();
              boolean ver = false;
              for (Carro carro : carros) {
                  if (carros.contains(digitado)) {
                      ver = true;
              if (!ver) {
                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Verifique a digitação!");

Or turning a class into a separate:

class MeuKeyAdapter extends KeyAdapter {

  public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {

    JTextField field = (JTextField) e.getSource();

      int max = 4;
      if (max == 4) {
          String digitado = field.getText().trim();
          if (digitado.length() == max) {
              CarroDao carroDao = new CarroDao();
              List<Carro> carros = new ArrayList();
              carros = carroDao.consultarCarros();
              boolean ver = false;
              for (Carro carro : carros) {
                  if (carros.contains(digitado)) {
                      ver = true;
              if (!ver) {
                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Verifique a digitação!");

The key to making the keylistener generic is to get an object of the type JTextField from the event itself, as is done on line JTextField field = (JTextField) e.getSource();. This way, it won’t matter to Listener if you apply to one or 100 different text fields.

I unified the method because I understood that if his goal is to check something typed in the text fields, it can be part of the system as well.

  • I used your first suggestion, but this ver == false, even though the amount entered is in the bank. I couldn’t figure out why yet .

  • I got something, I added the code in "update1" in the question. At first it is now checking correctly, when the value is not in the list, it displays the JOptionPane , when it is , he continues. I would still like to find out why it is not working from the previous suggested outside.

  • @Rodrigo provide a [mcve] of its application then has nothing further to suggest as there is nothing to test.

  • @Rodrigo see the edition, if it still persists, do what I guided in the previous comment.

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