Ionic ng-if comparing values


Viewed 858 times


I’m getting data on a API and I intend to check if percent_change_1h is less than 0, and if so displays a different text color.

      <ion-label ng-if="top.percent_change_1h < 0" style="color: #b21a91;">
        <b>1H: </b>{{top.percent_change_1h}}
      <ion-label ng-if="top.percent_change_1h > 0">
        <b>1H: </b>{{top.percent_change_1h}}

How can I make this process of comparison, in case less than 0 present a color, and if it is greater than or equal to zero present another?

  • But what’s the problem? Isn’t your code working? Which part doesn’t? To me, it seems to be correct.

1 answer


You can use ng-class!

Basically, it works as follows: You pass one condition to him, and if that condition is true, he applies that class, if not, he applies another. So what you should do is:

  1. Define conditional expression ("if X is less than 2");
  2. Create the true condition class;
  3. Create the false condition class;
  4. Relate all this in ng-class of the element that will paint.

Example: (Will paint the ion-label BACKGROUND, not the letters)

.maiorQueZero {
  background-color: #006600;
.menorQueZero {
  background-color: #ff0000;
      <ion-label ng-class="top.percent_change_1h > 0? 'maiorQueZero' : 'menorQueZero' ">
      <!-- Se top.percent_change_1h for maior que 0, aplica a classe 'maiorQueZero', se não (:) aplica o menorQueZero-->
        <b>1H: </b>{{top.percent_change_1h}}

  • I already managed to solve my problem, I was not aware that in the version of angular 2+ ng-if had passed to *ngIf

  • Oh yes, there was this change. The 2 forms are correct, however, I believe that using ng-class the code is cleaner.

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