Problems with ajax request


Viewed 47 times


Well, I am trying to perform a simple ajax request, but the called content is not being displayed. How can I resolve ?

var xmlhttp;

function callContent(){

    var mainContent = document.querySelector(".main-content");
    xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "random.php", true);
    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = callback(mainContent);



function callback(contentDiv){
    if(xmlhttp.readystate == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200){

        contentDiv.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;


  • This.log console is showing the content correctly?

  • not either, but when I open Random.php it works perfectly. readystatechange status is 0, even if you ask for open and send

1 answer


Murilo, change that line"GET", "Random.php", true); to"GET", "Random.php", false);, in this case you are saying that the call will be synchronous and you will be able to debug and see the return of your call.

  • nothing different happened, only on the console that a warning appeared saying that you should not use synchronous Xmlhttp on the main thread

  • the file continues to be requested but is not displayed.

  • I made some console.log’s, its readystate is null whenever the request is made

  • in readystate, just put the S in upper part ... :/

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