Select part of Text in R


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I would like to filter specific elements of a line, similar to the Excel filter. I have the following example:

LEITO 1 10
LEITO 2 - HPP   20
LEITO 3 - HPP   30
LEITO 4 40

I need to filter, in the column name, lines with the characters HPP. The final result of the filter should look like this:

LEITO 2 - HPP   20
LEITO 3 - HPP   30

How do I make this filter?

1 answer


The packages dplyr and stringr can help you in this. First, I will create the dataset:

NOME  <- c("LEITO 1", "LEITO 2 - HPP", "LEITO 3 - HPP", "LEITO 4")
VALOR <- c(10, 20, 30, 40)
dados <- data.frame(NOME, VALOR)

Then I load the necessary packages:


Finally, a combination of functions filter, which selects lines according to some criterion, and str_detect, searching for a specific snippet of characters within a larger set of characters:

dados %>% 
  filter(str_detect(NOME, "HPP"))
           NOME VALOR
1 LEITO 2 - HPP    20
2 LEITO 3 - HPP    30
  • 1

    how would the function look if I filter more than one option? For example, filter words that contain "HPP" or "HPP2". Grateful.

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