How to use model variables in a view in Django


Viewed 752 times


I need to calculate the average of a school report where the data are filled in in Django Admin, I would like to take each value make the media and play on a table in View.



class Cadastro_Boletim(models.Model):

    ra_aluno = models.ForeignKey(Aluno, models.DO_NOTHING, related_name='Nome')
    curso = models.ForeignKey(Curso, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='Curso')   # Field name made lowercase.
    nome_disciplina = models.ForeignKey(Disciplina, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='Nome_Discplina')
    MB1 = models.SmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.
    SUB1 = models.SmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
    MB2 = models.SmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
    SUB2 = models.SmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
    EX = models.SmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
    regular = models.BooleanField("Ativo?",default=True)


def boletim(request):    
    contexto = {
        'boletim': Cadastro_Boletim.objects.all()   
    return render(request,"boletim.html", contexto)

That way it brings everything that has in the Model, but I can not do the average with the notes, could help me?

  • But the average between which fields?

  • Average between MB1 (1st quarter) and MB2 (2nd quarter)

1 answer


For the average between the bimonthes : MB1 and MB2 , you can do as follows:

from django.db import AVG, F 

With this each element will have accessible a variable "media_bimesters" available for access.

  • Show ! Thanks Marlysson, just one more question, I can do this calculation by calling a function ?

  • @Gabrielgeorge I’m glad the answer came in handy. Could mark the answer as useful so that other people with the same problem solve it more easily.

  • @Gabrielgeorge Yes, you can. You want to pass a Registration Bulletin ( already filtered ) and return the average of that in specific? There are several forms for this, from a method in the model, to a "service".. what case? It would be good a new question for this. To keep the doubts isolated.

  • For example, I have my notes, and I wanted to call a function calcula_note, and play the values MB1 and MB2 in this function to be performed all the average calculation.

  • Do you have any modeling of this? Because it would be appropriate to have a Notabimonthly class associating a grade, the bimonthly and the student, with this being able to aggregate several bimonths to calculate the grade. The newsletter registration is responsible for what system concept?

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