maskMoney does not work on input within table


Viewed 1,446 times


Here I call the mask wearing class


in form inputs works normal, but in table does not work.

function addProd(obj) {
var id = $(obj).attr('data-id');
var name = $(obj).attr('data-name');
var price = $(obj).attr('data-price');


if ($('input[name="quant[' + id + ']"]').length == 0) {
    var tr =
        '<tr>' +
        '<td>' + id + ' - ' + name + '</td>' +
        '<td>' +
        '<input type="number" name="quant" class="p_quant" value="1" onchange="updateSubtotal(this)" data-price="' + price + '" />' +
        '</td>' +
        '<td>' + price + '</td>' +
        '<td>' +
        '<input type="text" name="servico[' + id.trim() + ']" class="servico" onkeyup="carregaServico(this)" id="servico[' + id.trim() + ']" data-type="search_servico" />' +
        '</td>' +
        '<td  width="10%" class="dinheiro">' +
        '<input type="text" name="vlr_servico[' + id.trim() + ']" data-id="' + id + '" onblur="formataDinheiro(this)" id="vlr_servico[' + id.trim() + ']" class="dinheiro" />' +
        '</td>' +
        '<td class="subtotal">' + price + '</td>' +
        '<td><a href="javascript:;" onclick="excluirProd(this)">Excluir</a></td>' +



2 answers


Your problem is assigning the class .dinheiro to a td and to inputs who wants to apply the maskmoney.

Solution: leave only the class .dinheiro to inputs and re-bind when adding new inputs.

<input type="text" class="dinheiro" />

When assigning the class to an element that is not input, you cause error in the plugin as it will not recognize the value to be treated.


function addProd(obj) {
   var tr =
   '<tr>' +
   '<td  width="10%">' +
   '<input type="text" class="dinheiro" />' +
   '</td>' +
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<table id="products_table">
   <input type="text" class="dinheiro" />
<br />
<input type="button" value="Add novo campo" onclick="addProd()" />

  • already arranged, was in home template was calling jquery 3.1 in view copied datatables link with jquery 1.12, ai gave error

  • @Juniorramoty Oh, that’s good. Then post an answer explaining how you arranged or schedule an answer so as not to leave the question pending. Good night!


When executing $(".dinheiro").maskMoney(); is made a bind in all elements with the class dinheiro to wear the mask.

If you add a new element (as in the case of the table), even if it has the class dinheiro, the bind for the elements already made, so the mask should not work for a new element.

To correct, just do the re-bind of the mask for the elements:

function addProd(obj) {
    // código da função...
    if ($('input[name="quant[' + id + ']"]').length == 0) {
        var tr = ...;

        //faz o re-bind caso tenha sido adicionado um novo input
  • already tried Ttypeerror error: $(...). maskMoney is not a Function[Learn More] addprodOS.js:81:9 addProd http://localhost/enginesystem/Assets/js/addprodOS.js:81:9 onclick http://localhost/enginesystem/os/add:1:1

  • <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/enginesystem/Assets/js/jquery.maskMoney.js"></script> started the home template , the other inputs outside the table are normal

  • Referenceerror: addProd is not defined[Learn More] add:1:1 error, to break the head since yesterday kkk

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