I’m trying to make an autocomplete using select
with jquery but I’m not getting it. How to do this ?
I’m trying like this
function fillSelect(data) {
if (data['InvestidorMaster'].length > 0) {
//$.each(data["InvestidorMaster"], function (i, cp) {
// $('#usuarioSelected').append('<option value="' + cp.id + '">' + cp.nome + '</option>');
//fill select without autocomplete it works
var suggestions = [];
$.each(data["InvestidorMaster"], function (i, cp) {
suggestions.push({ 'value' : cp.id, 'label' : cp.nome});
source: suggestions
Have you ever thought about using a plugin that already does this for you? Follow the documentation link of a: https://select2.org/getting-started/basic-usage
– Matheus Suffi
You want to create the json array?
– Sam