Error at agupar Mysql subquery


Viewed 242 times


I have a select to display 4 fields, but a field that is the valor_pago is from another table, but I cannot use JOIN otherwise the return of the records conflicts

So I created a Subquery but my question is: how do I make my amount of SUM(valor_pago) be grouped by month. I tried to change my subquery in two ways, without success:

SELECT MONTH(data_pagamento, SUM(valor_pago)

Operand should countaim 1 Columns

And I tried to group with GROUP BY MONTH(data_pagamento)]

Subquery Returns more than 1 Row

The mistake is, it makes the annual sum and prints in all fields with this code I’m using

        SUM(P.vlr_tot_liquido) AS Faturamento, 
        SUM(P.custo_total) AS Custos, 
        SUM(P.vlr_tot_liquido) - SUM(P.custo_total) AS Lucro, 
        FROM contapag
        WHERE empresa = 1 
        AND filial = 1 
        AND data_pagamento BETWEEN '2016-01-01' AND '2016-12-31' 
        AND valor_pago > 0) AS Despesas 
    FROM pedido P
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT Min(pedido) as formapag_rec,empresa, filial, pedido, plano as formapag_plano FROM formapag
       WHERE empresa = 1  AND filial = 1
       GROUP BY empresa, filial, pedido) F ON F.empresa = P.empresa and F.filial = P.filial and F.pedido = P.pedido
   LEFT JOIN plano on plano.plano = formapag_plano
       WHERE P.empresa = 1 AND P.filial = 1 AND data_venda BETWEEN '2016-01-01' AND '2016-12-31' AND P.vlr_tot_liquido > 0 AND P.status = 'FIN' AND (plano.especie <> 'MOV' OR plano.especie is null)
       GROUP BY YEAR(P.data_venda), MONTH(P.data_venda)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • try using Sqlfiddle and replicate your test environment: http:/

1 answer


Only filter the subquery by the month of the main query:

            SUM(P.vlr_tot_liquido) AS Faturamento, 
            SUM(P.custo_total) AS Custos, 
            SUM(P.vlr_tot_liquido) - SUM(P.custo_total) AS Lucro, 
            FROM contapag
            WHERE empresa = 1 
            AND filial = 1 
            AND data_pagamento BETWEEN '2016-01-01' AND '2016-12-31' 
            AND valor_pago > 0 
            AND MONTH(data_pagamento) = MONTH(P.data_venda)
            AND YEAR(data_pagamento) = YEAR(P.data_venda)) AS Despesas 
        FROM pedido P
        LEFT JOIN (SELECT Min(pedido) as formapag_rec,empresa, filial, pedido, plano as formapag_plano FROM formapag
           WHERE empresa = 1  AND filial = 1
           GROUP BY empresa, filial, pedido) F ON F.empresa = P.empresa and F.filial = P.filial and F.pedido = P.pedido
       LEFT JOIN plano on plano.plano = formapag_plano
           WHERE P.empresa = 1 AND P.filial = 1 AND data_venda BETWEEN '2016-01-01' AND '2016-12-31' AND P.vlr_tot_liquido > 0 AND P.status = 'FIN' AND (plano.especie <> 'MOV' OR plano.especie is null)
           GROUP BY YEAR(P.data_venda), MONTH(P.data_venda)
  • I even tried this way @Rovannlinhalis but he accuses error at the time of WHERE MONT(data_payment) = MONTH(P.data_sale) and do not know why , in his code gave the same thing. Very strange right

  • which error? to be honest, I didn’t check the rest of the query

  • I got it, man, thanks for sharing your intelligence, there’s only one mistake in your code there, I should get AND valor_pago > 0 AND MONTH(...) I’ll edit

  • 1

    a little nonsense... passed beaten.. blz, vlww

  • 1

    I thank you very much guy

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