Add original width/height to image tags


Viewed 162 times


Is there any way to pass CSS code to HTML tag? Example, I have the tag below:

<img src="../img/cS-1.jpg" alt="Smiley face">

any css code I put for this image to appear inside the img tag when I go in the browser and inspect element? Example stand this way

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I actually only need the original photo size inside the tag

  • With JS you can put the style directly in the tag, or in the same hand ,putting <img style="width:100px; height:100px;"...>. In Developer Tools of Chrome vc tb you can refer to the height and width of the image (shortcut F12 on the keyboard)

  • It can’t be in the hand, it is to index in google the moment user upload the image in CMS the size has to go to tag, as I do in JS has some example?

  • you want to put inside a tag <i>conteudo</i> where content would be the height and width of an image ?

  • It’s a little confusing there...haha. In short, if the original size of my photo is 100x100 inside my <img> tag it needs to look like this <img src=".. /img/Cs-1.jpg" alt="Smiley face" width:100px; height:100px> must appear inside the tag understand?

2 answers


You can use naturalWidth and naturalHeight which returns the original image dimensions and insert into the style element. But, to make it easier to select, add a class (or id) to the element:

var img = document.querySelector('.imagem'); = img.naturalWidth+'px'; = img.naturalHeight+'px';
<img class="imagem" src="" alt="Smiley face" />

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Ball show, that’s exactly what I needed, thanks for the help


var tmpImg = new Image();
tmpImg.src=""; //or  document.images[i].src;
  var orgWidth = tmpImg.width;
  var orgHeight = tmpImg.height;

Use this script you can see it in working here

  • 1

    Thanks for the help Marcos, show the script

  • for nothing, if it worked out mark the answer as solved by clicking on

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