I am unable to send form data to mysql database


Viewed 621 times


connection file

   $servidor = "dsadasd.com.br";
   $usuario = "ttt";
   $senha = "ttt";
   $dbname = "cadastro";

   //Criar a conexao
   $conn = mysqli_connect($servidor, $usuario, $senha, $dbname);

       die("Falha na conexao: " . mysqli_connect_error());
       //echo "Conexao realizada com sucesso";


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="estilos.css" media="screen">

            <title>Central de Matrículas - Bem me quer</title>
<body background="http://www.palmeiradasmissoes-rs.com.br/new/city.png" bgproperties="fixed">
    // Inclui o arquivo com a função valida_cpf

<div id="area">

    <form id="formulario" autocomplete="off" method="post" ACTION="grv_matriculas.php">


            <script language='JavaScript'>

                function only_number(){

                    if(event.keyCode<48 || event.keyCode>57)


                function valida_cpf(){
                    // Verifica o CPF
                    if ( valida_cpf( 'cpf' ) 
                        <hr> CPF OK </hr>




            <br><label>Nome do aluno:</label><br><input class=longo type="text" name="aluno" required placeholder="Nome completo.">

            <br><label>CPF do aluno:</label><br><input class=curto type="number" name="cpf" onchange='valida_cpf()' required placeholder="Informe o cpf.">

            <br><label>Nome do responsavel:</label><br><input class=longo type="text" name="responsavel" required placeholder="Informe nome completo responsavel">

               <input class=longo type="text" name="endereco" required placeholder="Informe endereço completo do responsavel.">

            <br><label>Telefone Celular:</label><br>
               <input class=curto type="number" name="fone" required placeholder="Informe o número.">

            <br><label>Endereço Eletronico:</label><br>
                <input class=longo type="text" name="mail" required placeholder="Informe e-mail do responsavel.">

            <br><label>Turma Pretendida:</label><br>

                   <input type="radio" name="pretendido" value="bercario1" required checked>Berçario 1</input> 
                   <input type="radio" name="pretendido" value="bercario2" >Berçario 2</input>
                   <input type="radio" name="pretendido" value="maternal1">Maternal 1</input> 
                   <input type="radio" name="pretendido" value="maternal2">Maternal 2</input> 

                <input type="radio" name="escola" value="bemmequer" required checked>Bem me Quer</input>

        <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Enviar"> 




$row = $resulta->fetch_assoc(); 
if ($resulta->num_rows > 0) { 
    $sql1 = "UPDATE lista SET aluno = '$aluno', responsavel = '$responsavel', endereco = '$endereco', fone = '$fone', mail = '$mail', pretendido = '$pretendido', escola = '$escola', dia_visita = '$dia_visita', hora_visita = '$hora_visita' WHERE cpf = '$cpf'": 
} else { 
    $sql1 = "INSERT INTO lista(aluno, cpf, responsavel, endereco, fone, mail, 
pretendido, escola, ip, dia_visita, hora_visita) VALUES ('$aluno', '$cpf', 
'$responsavel', '$endereco', '$fone', '$mail', '$pretendido', '$escola', '$ip', 
'$dia_visita', '$hora_visita')"); 
$resultado = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1); 
echo $resultado; 
echo "alert('Gravado com Sucesso!);location.href='coloqueoarquivo.php';"; ?>

code to save


     $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $dia_visita = date("d-m-y");
     $hora_visita = date("H:i:s");

     $sql1=mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO lista(aluno, cpf, responsavel, endereco, fone, mail, pretendido, escola, ip, dia_visita, hora_visita, oficial)VALUES('$aluno', '$cpf', '$responsavel', '$endereco', '$fone', '$mail', '$pretendido', '$escola', '$ip, '$dia_visita', '$hora_visita', '$oficial')");

        echo  "<script>alert('Gravado com Sucesso!);</script>";
        header("Location: /Central_de_Matriculas/Best")


Inside the connection include is set to $Conn. What is wrong?

  • Any error message appears?

  • quote missing in $ip

  • namoral, study a little PHP because, your code is poorly idented, you close the tag input thing I’ve never seen, gives long spaces, and also defined script language='Javascript', actually is <script type="text/javascript"> will be better for you otherwise it will always depend on someone fixing your codes

  • Hello Victor, as I said I’m new here, and also in the area, but what I do not learn in colleges nowadays, I have to look outside, thank you very much for the help, know where else I can find material for study?

  • @Stormwind I copied this code from his own reply and had him remove the answer, then edited adding the data in the reply, and the grv_matricula file, if you repair it based on my reply however, edited and made unnecessary changes

  • @Carlitoveeckpautz check my code and do what I have indicated, paste it into your database insertion file, and note that you have some posts that are not receiving anything through the form, this may be prevented you

  • @Victor when it’s like that, comment on the field of justifying editing, there’s no way we can figure it out at the time of analysis. I was already reversing your edit.

  • sorry had never caught a case of this, the person put the answer in the place of the question understands. but thanks @Articuno in a next I will put

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2 answers


Missing a single quote "'" after variable $ip, follow corrected:

$query = "INSERT INTO lista(

$sql1 = mysqli_query($conn, $query);


Notice that in its variable $ip is missing a single quote ', and I would make his code so that as someone filled out the form and the data was "new" he would do INSERT otherwise recognise by the Commission and do only UPDATE and then redirect to your desired file. Follow the code


     $aluno = $_POST['aluno'];
     $cpf = $_POST['cpf'];
     $responsavel = $_POST['responsavel'];
     $endereco = $_POST['endereco'];
     $fone = $_POST['fone'];
     $mail = $_POST['mail'];
     $pretendido = $_POST['pretendido'];
     $escola = $_POST['escola'];
     $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $dia_visita = date("d-m-y");
     $hora_visita = date("H:i:s");
     $oficial = $_POST['oficial'];

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM lista"; 
        $resulta = $conn->query($sql);
        $row = $resulta->fetch_assoc();

            if ($resulta->num_rows > 0) {
                 $sql1 = "UPDATE lista SET aluno = '$aluno', responsavel = '$responsavel', endereco = '$endereco', fone = '$fone', mail = '$mail', 
                pretendido = '$pretendido', escola = '$escola', dia_visita = '$dia_visita', hora_visita = '$hora_visita', oficial = '$oficial'  WHERE cpf = '$cpf'";
            } else {
                $sql1 = "INSERT INTO lista(aluno, cpf, responsavel, endereco, fone, mail, pretendido, escola, ip, dia_visita, hora_visita, oficial)
                ('$aluno', '$cpf', '$responsavel', '$endereco', '$fone', '$mail', '$pretendido', '$escola', '$ip', '$dia_visita', '$hora_visita', '$oficial')");

            $resultado = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1);
            echo $sql1;

        echo  "<script>alert('Gravado com Sucesso!);location.href='coloqueoarquivo.php';</script>"; 

  • So, I created a code here and you must copy and paste it to work on your file created to save the information, after you edited the code I put and at the end of the update line notice your question, you have ':' instead of a ';' thing that will never work even your code. And another thing if you try it in your html you do not have the variables $ip, $dia_visit, $hora_visit and $official

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