How to assign a List<> to a Datatable correctly windowns Form?


Viewed 173 times


I’m trying to list the payment methods of the table dbo.FormaPgto in a Combobox but you’re making that mistake.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Follows code.


 public List<Formas_Pagamento> ListarFormaPgto(string campos = "*")
                List<SqlParameter> listaParam = new List<SqlParameter>();

                Formas_Pagamento objFormaPgto = new Formas_Pagamento();
                strSQL = new StringBuilder();

                strSQL.Append("SELECT " + campos + " FROM FormaPagto WHERE 1=1");
                    strSQL.Append(" AND FPEmpresa = @CodEmpresa");
                    listaParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@CodEmpresa", FPEmpresa));

                if (FPCodigo > 0)
                    strSQL.Append(" AND FPCodigo = @FPCodigo");
                    listaParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@FPCodigo", FPCodigo));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FPDescricao))
                    strSQL.Append(" AND FPDescricao LIKE @FPDescricao");
                    listaParam.Add(new SqlParameter("@FPDescricao", "%" + FPDescricao + "%"));

                DataTable dtFP = SqlDAO.consultarSQL(strSQL, listaParam.ToArray());
                return dtFP.ToList<Formas_Pagamento>();
            catch (Exception)



 protected void CarregarDDLFormaPagto()
                Formas_Pagamento objFP = new Formas_Pagamento();
                objFP.FPEmpresa = Metodos.empresa;
                List<Formas_Pagamento> listaFP = objFP.ListarFormaPgto();
                cbxFormaPgto.DataSource = listaFP;
                cbxFormaPgto.DisplayMember = "FPDescricao";
                cbxFormaPgto.ValueMember = "FPCodigo";
                cbxFormaPgto.Enabled = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;


1 answer


To convert Datatable to a list you must do the following:

using System.Linq;
List<DataRow> list = dt.AsEnumerable().ToList();


 IEnumerable<DataRow> sequence = dt.AsEnumerable();

To convert to your specific List:

private List<object> GetListByDataTable(DataTable dt)
    var reult = (from rw in dt.AsEnumerable()
                 select new
                     // Seus objetos aqui e as colunas do seu Dt
                     Name = Convert.ToString(rw["Name"]),
                     ID = Convert.ToInt32(rw["ID"])

    return reult.ConvertAll<object>(o => (object)o);

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