Go to a new view with Json


Viewed 29 times


I am deleting with Ajax and returning a Json. How do I open a different view? Follow the code, put the url no longer works:


    url: '@Url.Action("ExcluirPedidoCompra")', // to get the right path to controller from TableRoutes of Asp.Net MVC
    dataType: "json", //to work with json format
    type: "POST", //to do a post request
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', //define a contentType of your request
    cache: false, //avoid caching results
    data: "{\"id\" : " + id + "}", // here you can pass arguments to your request if you need
    success: function (data) {

        if (data > 0) {
           url: '/PedidoCompraConsultar/Index'

    error: function (xhr) {
        alert("Erro! Ocorreu um erro ao excluir, Favor Entrar em Contato com O Suporte.");

controller code

public ActionResult ExcluirPedidoCompra(int id)
    var resultado = 1;
    return Json(resultado);

I have tried it all. If anyone can help me I want to go to "Pedidocompraconsultarcontroller - Index".

  • testou, url: '@Url.Action("Pedidocompraconsultar")' ?

1 answer


Put it that way :

window.location.href= 'rota'

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