How to create a C function that searches for words in txt files in a predefined directory?


Viewed 146 times


void pesquisarexerword()

    DIR *dir;
    char *strdir, *strget,  t, *str;
    struct dirent *lsdir, *dirarq;
    FILE *arq;

        printf("\n Digite o Diretorio que Deseja Fazer a Pesquisa:\n");
        fflush(stdin);//se desejar pesquisar outro diretotio ele volta aki
        dir = opendir(strdir);//abrir o diretorio

        if( dir == NULL)
        printf("\n\t****ERROR DIR NAO EXISTE*****"); return;
        printf("\n Palavra que deseja Pesquisar:");


            dirarq = readdir(dir);//retorna o dir listando do arq
            arq = fopen(dirarq->d_name,"r");//abrir um arquivo no diretorio

                if(strcmp(str,strtok(strget,"")) == 0)//teste para achara a palavar no arquivo
                printf("\n Nome do Arquivo Desejado:\n");
                printf("\n %s",dirarq->d_name);

            }while(!feof(arq) || strcmp(str,strtok(strget,"")) != 0 );//teste se ha a frase dentro do arquivo ate acabar o arq

        }while( dir != NULL);//testa todo os arq do dir mencionado

    printf("\n Deseja Pesquisar em outro Diretorio(Y/N)?:");
    scanf(" %c", &t);
    }while( t != 'N');

  • What’s the matter with you?

  • I need the user to type a directory to search in it one or two (in another code) words and so display the directory files that have these words..!

  • I have another code that it uses two words but stop tests and parameters for STRTOK() are bugged

  • I did not ask what the task was as a whole, but what specific problem is preventing you from completing this task. If I didn’t express myself well before, now I hope I’ve been straight to the point

  • is summarized in the third loop and the parameter for Strtok(), because you pass the string read from Arq to Strtok() as it is the same in the loop?

  • this problem could not solve...

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1 answer


You need to call Strtok the first time before entering the third loop.

token = strtok(strget, "");

Inside the third loop, you must call passing NULL as parameter:

token = strtok(NULL, "");

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