Web Service consumption in SOAP standard with XML sending as parameter in PHP


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I am developing an application of integration between the city of my city and a system for a company, to optimize the generation of NFS-e. It consists of using the city’s Web Service to send, using SOAP, XML files to be validated. That is, the parameter passed will be an XML file.

Since I’ve never created this type of application, I’m not sure how to do it. For example:

How I use the services provided (http://grphml.santacruz.rs.gov.br/thema-nfse-hml/) and do SOAP communication in PHP? Assuming I have the XML file ready and structured correctly, as I step it as parameter to the Web Service?

I don’t want the solution of anything, only tips and examples that can help me.

1 answer


Hello, in my opinion this is a very complex topic, if it comes to NFS-and it is most likely worth you to use an API/library already ready created by other people, IE, do not try to do everything from scratch...

How I use the services provided (http://grphml.santacruz.rs.gov.br/thema-nfse-hml/) and do SOAP communication in PHP? ==> Using Curl() functions, see http://php.net/curl

Then as a suggestion see the existing efforts of the Nfephp community, https://github.com/nfephp-org/sped-nfe (is the national NF-e but has NFS-and also).

  • Very good, thanks for the references Fernando.

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