Report Viewer Schema 2016


Viewed 401 times


When adding a parameter to a ReportViewer is happening from the version of schema move to 2016, which brings me to the following error when trying to render the report

Message: Test method Syns.Web.Teste.Relatorios.Demonstrativoreporttest.Mytestmethodasync threw Exception: Microsoft.Reporting.Webforms.Localprocessingexception: An error occurred During local report Processing. ---> Microsoft.Reporting.Definitioninvalidexception: The Definition of the report 'D: Syns Syns Syns Syns Web Reports Demonstrativoreport.rdlc' is invalid. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Reportprocessing.Reportprocessingexception: The report Definition is not Valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services. This could be the result of Publishing a report Definition of a later version of Reporting Services, or that the report Definition contains XML that is not well-Formed or the XML is not Valid based on the Report Definition schema. Details: The report Definition has an invalid target namespace '' which cannot be upgraded.

The code I use to render the report is basically the following

public async Task<ReportModel> Report(int demonstrativoId, string path)
    var demonstrativo = await Demonstrativo(demonstrativoId);
    var demonstrativos = new List<Demonstrativo>()

    var procedimentos = await DemonstrativoProcedimento(demonstrativoId);

    LocalReport relat = new LocalReport
        //caminho do arquivo rdlc
        ReportPath = Path.Combine(path, "DemonstrativoReport.rdlc"),
        EnableExternalImages = true,

    //vinculando dataset ao objeto relat            
    relat.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource
        Name = "DemonstrativoDataSet",
        Value = demonstrativos
    relat.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource()
        Name = "DemonstrativoProcedimentoDataSet",
        Value = procedimentos,
    relat.SetParameters(new ReportParameter("NumeroDemonstrativoParam", demonstrativo.Numero.ToString()));

    //definindo tipo que o relatório será renderizado
    string reportType = "PDF";

    //configurações da página ex: margin, top, left ...
    string deviceInfo =
    "<DeviceInfo>" +
    "<OutputFormat>PDF</OutputFormat>" +
    "<PageWidth>8.27in</PageWidth>" +
    "<PageHeight>11.69in</PageHeight>" +
    "<MarginTop>0.19685in</MarginTop>" +
    "<MarginLeft>0.19685in</MarginLeft>" +
    "<MarginRight>0.19685in</MarginRight>" +
    "<MarginBottom>0.19685in</MarginBottom>" +

    byte[] bytes;
    //Renderizando o relatório o bytes
    bytes = relat.Render(reportType, deviceInfo, out string mimeType, out string encoding, out string fileNameExtension, out string[] streams, out Warning[] warnings);

    return new ReportModel(bytes, mimeType);

If I change the Reportviewer schema for 2008, remove some tags from the 2016 version, my code works, but whenever I re-edit the report, the version goes back to 2016.

I made an example and went up to github, the difference of the Reportviewer file can be seen in the commit

1 answer


A possible solution is to download an extension that makes this exchange of references automatically. This extension is the Changereportdefinition, after changing the whole document. rdlc right click on it and click on Change Report Definition.

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