Good morning! I created this query in mysql and by adding the 1st subquery I called "totalEscolas" I get the following error: "Subquery Return more than one Row" without this subquery the code works blz.
Could you help me? Thank you!
SELECT qs.slot as Questao, avg(fraction) * 10 as Media, qs.quizid as Quiz, qs.questionid as QuestaoID, q.name as Descritor, SUBSTRING(u.`department`,2,4) as Nivel, SUBSTRING(u.`department`,6,1) as Turma, q.category as cat, quiz.name as Simulado,
(Select institution
from fhrw_user listaEscolasU
INNER JOIN fhrw_quiz_attempts listaEscolasQa ON listaEscolasQa.userid=listaEscolasU.id
INNER JOIN fhrw_quiz listaEscolasQ ON listaEscolasQ.id=listaEscolasQa.quiz
where listaEscolasQ.name=$P{simulado}
and listaEscolasU.lastname=lastname
and SUBSTRING(listaEscolasU.`department`,1,5) = $P{nivel}
and SUBSTRING(listaEscolasU.`department`,6,1) = $P{turma}
and listaEscolasQa.state="finished"
) as listaEscolas,
(Select count(totalAlunosQa.id)
from fhrw_quiz_attempts totalAlunosQa
INNER JOIN fhrw_user totalAlunosu ON totalAlunosu.id=totalAlunosQa.userid
INNER JOIN fhrw_quiz totalAlunosq ON totalAlunosq.id=totalAlunosQa.quiz
where totalAlunosq.name=$P{simulado}
and totalAlunosu.lastname=lastname
and SUBSTRING(totalAlunosu.`department`,1,5) = $P{nivel}
and SUBSTRING(totalAlunosu.`department`,6,1) = $P{turma}
and totalAlunosQa.state="finished"
) as totalAlunos,
(select avg(fraction) * 10 as mediaPT FROM fhrw_question_attempt_steps mediaqas
INNER JOIN fhrw_user mediau ON mediau.id=mediaqas.userid
INNER JOIN fhrw_question_attempts mediaqa ON mediaqa.id=mediaqas.questionattemptid
INNEr JOIN fhrw_question mediaq ON mediaq.id=mediaqa.questionid
INNER JOIN fhrw_quiz_slots mediaqs ON mediaqs.questionid=mediaqa.questionid
Inner Join fhrw_quiz mediaquiz ON mediaquiz.id=mediaqs.quizid
inner Join fhrw_school mediaschool ON mediaschool.IdEscola=mediau.lastname
SUBSTRING(mediau.`department`,1,5) = $P{nivel}
and SUBSTRING(mediau.`department`,6,1) = $P{turma}
and mediaq.category = 7
and mediaquiz.name=$P{simulado}
and mediau.lastname=lastname
and mediaqas.state!="todo"
and mediaqas.state!="complete") as mediaGeralPT,
(select avg(fraction) * 10 as mediaPT FROM fhrw_question_attempt_steps mediaqas
INNER JOIN fhrw_user mediau ON mediau.id=mediaqas.userid
INNER JOIN fhrw_question_attempts mediaqa ON mediaqa.id=mediaqas.questionattemptid
INNEr JOIN fhrw_question mediaq ON mediaq.id=mediaqa.questionid
INNER JOIN fhrw_quiz_slots mediaqs ON mediaqs.questionid=mediaqa.questionid
Inner Join fhrw_quiz mediaquiz ON mediaquiz.id=mediaqs.quizid
inner Join fhrw_school mediaschool ON mediaschool.IdEscola=mediau.lastname
SUBSTRING(mediau.`department`,1,5) = $P{nivel}
and SUBSTRING(mediau.`department`,6,1) = $P{turma}
and mediaq.category = 8
and mediaquiz.name=$P{simulado}
and mediau.lastname=lastname
and mediaqas.state!="todo"
and mediaqas.state!="complete") as mediaGeralMT,
(select avg(fraction) * 10 as mediaPT FROM fhrw_question_attempt_steps mediaqas
INNER JOIN fhrw_user mediau ON mediau.id=mediaqas.userid
INNER JOIN fhrw_question_attempts mediaqa ON mediaqa.id=mediaqas.questionattemptid
INNEr JOIN fhrw_question mediaq ON mediaq.id=mediaqa.questionid
INNER JOIN fhrw_quiz_slots mediaqs ON mediaqs.questionid=mediaqa.questionid
Inner Join fhrw_quiz mediaquiz ON mediaquiz.id=mediaqs.quizid
inner Join fhrw_school mediaschool ON mediaschool.IdEscola=mediau.lastname
SUBSTRING(mediau.`department`,1,5) = $P{nivel}
and SUBSTRING(mediau.`department`,6,1) = $P{turma}
and mediaquiz.name=$P{simulado}
and mediau.lastname=lastname
and mediaqas.state!="todo"
and mediaqas.state!="complete") as mediaGeral
FROM `fhrw_question_attempt_steps` qas
INNER JOIN fhrw_question_attempts qa ON qa.id=qas.`questionattemptid`
INNER JOIN fhrw_quiz_slots qs ON qs.questionid=qa.questionid
INNER JOIN fhrw_user u ON u.id = qas.userid
INNER JOIN fhrw_question q ON q.id=qa.questionid
Inner Join fhrw_quiz quiz ON quiz.id=qs.quizid
inner Join fhrw_school school ON school.IdEscola=u.lastname
and u.lastname=lastname
and SUBSTRING(u.`department`,1,5) = $P{nivel}
and SUBSTRING(u.`department`,6,1) = $P{turma}
and state!="todo"
and state!="complete"
group by qa.questionid
ORDER BY `Questao` ASC
Your sub-select is returning more than 1 record, put at the beginning:
SELECT TOP 1 ......(resto da sql)
, or adjust your sub-select to return only 1 value.– Max Rogério
@Maxroger, thank you for answering! The question is that you would not like to bring only one record, but all records from the "Institution" column of the "fhrw_user" table is that possible? In this column are registered schools that are registered, I would like to bring all who have performed certain quiz
– Miguel Silva
Then you will have to do the Join with this table (remembering that you can repeat the Join in the table, just change the alias), and then do the data view processing in your application or whatever you are using. Now as far as I know (I don’t know much), with subquery it is necessary returns only 1 value.
– Max Rogério
@Maxrogério I thought this Join was enough:
INER JOIN fhrw_quiz_attempts totalEscolasQa ON totalEscolasQa.userid=totalEscolasU.id
INNER JOIN fhrw_quiz totalEscolasQ ON totalEscolasQ.id=totalEscolasQa.quiz
I have to do yet another?– Miguel Silva
As I said, if you want to return more than one "Instituton" value, I recommend doing JOIN or rethinking your query...
– Max Rogério
@Maxrogério thanks for the help, but did not understand this JOIN
– Miguel Silva