Updating Progressbar in JSF


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Good Afternoon, I’m doing an asynchronous method that searches the database(oracle), and returns in an Excel file. Inside my Method has the for

public synchronized void carregarApresentacoesParaExportar() {
    try {
        for(int i = 0 ; i < qtdePages; i++){
                percent = 0;
            } else {
                        transacoes = getService(enumType).buscarPaginado(getFiltro(), new PageRequest(transacoes.nextPageable().getPageNumber(), MAX_EXPORTAR));
                percent = ((i * 100) / qtdePages);
    } catch (Exception e) { 
        LOG.error(e, e);

I use the variable percent to tell each increment how much is completed. In my view I do like this

<p:progressBar widgetVar="pbAjax" ajax="true" value="#{notificacaoMB.percent}" labelTemplate="{value}%"
                                                styleClass="animated" global="false">
                                                <p:ajax event="complete" listener="#{notificacaoMB.onComplete}" />

                                            Outra ProgressBar

                                            <div class="progress progress-striped active">
                                                <div style="width: #{notificacaoMB.percent}%" id="progress" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuenow="#{notificacaoMB.percent}" role="progressbar" class="progress-bar progress-bar-success">
                                                    <span >#{notificacaoMB.percent}%</span>

Active with this command

<h:commandButton title="#{messages['label.iniciar']}"
                                                styleClass="btn btn-primary" />

Is working with the Primefaces. But the solution I want is Bootstrap progress progress-striped.

is thus running: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

that is to say using Bootstrap i haven’t given a Start on the Component , I can only see the progress if I give a Refresh on the page ......

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How do I work using Bootstrap? I tried that solution How to create a dynamic progress bar considering all fields of a form? . But I could not implement, as I do with Jquery/Javascript ?

  • If you put the progressBar inside some prime component (p:outputPanel, for example), after that provide an id for that component and the back end do RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().update("id-do-componente"); not fundiona? (remember that id-do-componente should be the "full" id, considering all ids containing that component. Ex: id-form:id-tab:id-panel)

  • @Igorventurelli , probably works, because it is already working with prime.... but I need a solution that does not use prime, because in this project we are removing everything from first faces and leaving only bootstrap...

  • Ah ok.. can it be the default jsf component? It must have a <h:outputPanel /> or something like.. It would work the same way :P

  • Can it be yes? I’m trying, but you would have some example ?

  • I replied man... You said you are removing Primefaces from the project.. but at least the Java dependency might exist? The class RequestContext is of the package org.primefaces.context.RequestContext...

  • Succeeded? But if you remove the primefaces you will no longer have the ability to ajax requests by components.. Or you will only be using jsf native components..

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2 answers


You can place your bootstrap component inside a JSF component and update the JSF component by Managedbean:

<h:form id="meuForm">
    <h:panelGrid id="meuPanel">
        <div class="progress progress-striped active">
            <div style="width: #{notificacaoMB.percent}%" id="progress" 
                aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuemin="0" 
                role="progressbar" class="progress-bar progress-bar-success">
                <span >#{notificacaoMB.percent}%</span>

import org.primefaces.context.RequestContext;

public class MeuManagedBean {

    public synchronized void carregarApresentacoesParaExportar() {
        /* ..códigos... */
        percent = ((i * 100) / qtdePages);
        /* ..códigos... */
  • It’s not startin' the component yet. while the other of the first faces has already started via ajax, this of the Progress-bar still stands still, only when give a refresh on the page it works... I did so in managebean..

  • @Arthuredson that strange guy.. See if the id is right on update("").. Go to the browser and inspect the progressibar element.. see if the panel id is right..

  • 1

    Yes the id is correct I am doing the update("form:meuPanel")... Don’t start the component.... I will have to think of another solution that uses Jquery or Javscript, but thank you very much.


the way is to continue using primefaces since there are still many other dependencies to remove in the project. kkk

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