Can PHP object orientation create any kind of website and project?


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I unintentionally ended up taking a freelance project, and I wanted to be aware of whether or not I should focus on O because it’s more organized for this project of mine and even to learn. I’m aware of the structure, but it’s very confusing.

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1 answer


PHP object orientation can create any type of website and project?

Yes, it does. Just like any programming language can solve any problem.

The staff made websites when PHP had no object orientation facilities and was doing very well. There are those who do so until today and do not trade for anything.

PHP has many facilities to create websites. Virtually every language today has, some even better.

Don’t try to do projects that are not web in PHP, she’s too weak for that, has several disadvantages and problems.

I am new both here and in programming, very new even. (originally I was in question)

So it would be better to master the easy part that is the imperative, understand the whole basics before venturing into a paradigm that requires a lot of experience to do right.

I accidentally ended up taking a freelance project

If you don’t want it, don’t take it. If you don’t think you can do it, don’t do it. Mainly for web it is a danger to do something without much mastery of much in computing. So there are so many wrong and insecure things out there.

I wanted to be aware of whether or not I should focus on OO because it’s more organized for this project of mine and even to learn.

Only you can say what you must do.

OOP is only more organized for those who know how to organize. And it is not easy to organize. In fact what we see often, almost all the time, is people trying to do OO, not succeeding and messing up even more. And worse, people you think you’re doing it right and no need to improve.

I’m aware of the structure, but it’s very confusing.

If you find something very simple as confusing, wait to get into something much more confusing.

In fact I notice that many people do not even understand the meaning of structured programming expression. Then something gets confused. So much so that 99% say they do OOP and at least 90% of their code is imperative where OOP has nothing to do. Many think they are doing OOP on the other 10% because it creates classes or does something similar. But it does everything wrong. It works, but it doesn’t get what OOP preaches most which is the manutibility.


With the advent of OOP in PHP the language became strange, there are parts that it preaches one thing, in others it preaches another. So much of what OOP could actually help is an illusion and it doesn’t help.

There is one chain that says OOP is what Smalltalk does, there is another that says it’s what C++ does. PHP, for its history, and set of Features had everything to adopt the Smalltalk style, but opted for the C++ style that requires things that PHP doesn’t have.

Not everything needs OOP, most sites don’t. That’s why I don’t understand this obsession with the paradigm. Projects that really need are led by experienced and pragmatic people or gets bad somehow.

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