FTP connection on Windows Server 2012 R2


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I have a server Win Server 2012 R2 which has IIS installed and an FTP site created, I also created a user for FTP use.

I configured as external port for FTP connection on the firewall the port: 2121, because I cannot be using port 21.

From my machine I did some tests using telnet:

telnet meuIpExterno 2121


220 Microsoft FTP Service

But when trying to connect via Filezilla or even with the ftp command on cmd I cannot execute any command.

For Filezilla I have this return:

State: Connecting
State: Connection established, awaiting welcome message...
Status: Identified
Status: Fetching directory list...
Command: PWD
Answer: 257 "/" is Current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Answer: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Answer: 227 Entering Passive Mode (177,36,237,32,192,41).
Command: LIST
Answer: 150 Opening BINARY mode data Connection.
Error: Data connection cannot be entered: ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server
Error: The connection expired after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Failed to get directory list

I have tried several things without success. I am able to connect but I do not have access.

  • Created this user as? By any dashboard? Use what software on the server for FTP? I believe that your user does not have permissions to execute commands and then the server rejects it, I can not affirm anything without more details. (I restored the iis tag, I think I understood the problem better)

  • The server is mine, all the settings I made was using the user Administrator. I configured the firewall and created the user by the manager of windows itself. I created the FTP server with IIS.

  • But in IIS manager, you gave the permissions?

  • Yes it’s all set up, so I don’t know what to do.

  • The problem is getting the list of folders, because the connection is working, I’ve done several tests.

  • I’m not talking about the connection, I’m talking about "command permissions", Did you check if you added the "permissions"? Do you know how to use the IIS manager? You created the user for it, right? On the FTP authentication side has another icon, I think it is written as FTP authorization, in it I believe you release the permissions, but I do not have the IIS manager at the moment to confirm this.

  • Yes, I added the user in iis

  • Okay, but I didn’t ask just one question, did you understand what I said anyway? Did you understand about permissions? In IIS manager you have more than one FTP "icone", please check this, if you cannot I will try to create an answer on how to do the step by step.

  • It can be a pending configuration in Filezilla. How about checking this procedure and tell us if it worked? https://www.hostinger.com.br/tutoriais/como-corrigir-econnrefused-conexao-recusada-por-erro-do-servidor-no-filezilla/

  • The problem is not with authentication or authorization, I am able to access the ftp server with the user, I can even create and delete folder, for some reason I can’t list. And it’s not a problem with Filezilla, because I got the same problem by other means.

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