Using multiple html pages with the same Angularjs + ASP.NET MVC controller


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Using the routes with Angularjs, When entering the Author.html page with the route /Autor, is listed all authors registered in a table where a link is created for each author’s edition, according to this line of code <a ng-click="setAutor(autor)" ng-href="#!/Autor/Editar/{{autor.ID}}">, when clicking an author’s edit the route is given /Autor/Editar/:id, which will open the html page Editar.html, both pages use the same controller autorController, only when it opens my page Editar.html the model object autor.Nome does not come filled in, the controller from one page to another is "reset" your $Scope?

How do I pass this object from one page to another using the same controller?


(function () {
var app = angular.module("app", ["ngRoute"]);

app.config(function ($routeProvider) {

        .when("/", { controller: "homeController", templateUrl: "/AngularJS/view/Home/Home.html" })
        .when("/Livro", { controller: "livroController", templateUrl: "/AngularJS/view/Livro/Livro.html" })
        .when("/Autor", { controller: "autorController", templateUrl: "/AngularJS/view/Autor/Autor.html" })
        .when("/Autor/Editar/:id", { controller: "autorController", templateUrl: "/AngularJS/view/Autor/Editar.html" })
        .when("/Editora", { controller: "editoraController", templateUrl: "/AngularJS/view/Editora/Editora.html" })
    .otherwise({ redirectTo: "/" });



(function () {
    angular.module("app").controller("autorController", function ($scope, $http) {
        $scope.getAll = function() {
            .then(function(data) {
                $scope.autores =;

        $scope.setAutor = function(autor) {
            $scope.autor = autor;


<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="autorController">
                <th>  </th>
                <th> ID </th>
                <th> Nome </th>
        <tbody ng-repeat="autor in autores">
                    <a ng-click="setAutor(autor)" ng-href="#!/Autor/Editar/{{autor.ID}}">
                <th> {{autor.ID}} </th>
                <th> {{autor.Nome}} </th>


<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="autorController">
    <label class="label-control"> Nome: </label>
    <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-Model="autor.Nome"/> 

  • Friend, its variables $author and $authors are incorrect. Declares a variable in Angularjs using $scope from the beginning. Try using $ and $Scope.autores. If possible make a Jsfiddle or Plunker example. Obviously your API call will not work, you can exchange the address for this site here that hosts a json for free:

  • @Jackson, I corrected where I said I was wrong, I tested so with Scope too, but it didn’t work, I ended up performing several tests and when I reented the code to post here I forgot to put $Scope. Still my problem persists.

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