How to produce JSON in the format that Flot expects?


Viewed 180 times


Doubt on how to serialize to return this JSON.

I’m using the Flot library ( to display a chart. I can generate the charts.

In my view I’m wearing it like this :

            url: '/graficos/GeraTesteFlot',
            method: 'GET',
            dataType: 'json',
            success: function (retorno) {
                $.plot($("#divFlot"), [retorno], options);                

But I’m having difficulty generating JSON in the correct format. I need a JSON like this :

      { label: "José", data: [[1, 2], [2, 5]] }, 
      { label: "Maria", data: [[1, 5], [2, 3]] }

And I try to generate it with the code below :

    public JsonResult GeraTesteFlot()
        // Exemplo de retorno desejado : 
        // É um array de series, e cada série tem uma label e um array de "data"
        // Ex:
        //  [
        //      { label: "José", data: [[1, 2], [2, 5]] }, 
        //      { label: "Maria", data: [[1, 5], [2, 3]] }
        //  ];

        List<object> series = new List<object>();
            label = "José",
            data = new[] { new double[] { 1, 2}, new double[] { 2, 5} }

            label = "Maria",
            data = new[] { new double[] { 1, 5}, new double[] { 2, 3} }

        return Json(series, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

But this code returns me the JSON like this :

      { "label": "José", "data": [[1, 2], [2, 5]] }, 
      { "label": "Maria", "data": [[1, 5], [2, 3]] }

The problem is the "" double quotes in the attributes name. Instead of "label": "José", need label: "José" without the "" in the label.

How to do?

  • 1

    Are you sure the problem is ""? The format {"chave": valor} is the correct format for JSON. This giving some error in the console?

  • @Wakim if I take the returned string and I take the quotes from the object name, here goes.

  • I tried with Javascriptserializer() according to this answer from a similar question, but it was about Highcharts, but it didn’t roll. The generated string also contained double quotes in the object name.

  • In another graphic, in the case of a pie chart, I used something similar but from a LINQ query and was generated in the format I want.

  • @Wakim you were right. I only realized the error when I passed the question to PT.SO! My mistake was in returning in the Ajax function that was $.plot($("#divFlot"), [retorno], options);, in the question I had put the correct format, which is $.plot($("#divFlot"), retorno, options);

2 answers


As Wakim commented, the generated format was already correct. What I had wrong was in the so-called Ajax.

The correct call should be

            url: '/graficos/GeraTesteFlot',
            method: 'GET',
            dataType: 'json',
            success: function (retorno) {
                $.plot($("#divFlot"), retorno, options);                

I mean, where was $.plot($("#divFlot"), [retorno], options); the correct is $.plot($("#divFlot"), retorno, options);

After this correction, the graph generated normally.


When defining his data, make sure to pass the return of Controller within the Javascript method JSON.parse():

data: JSON.parse(retorno),

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