Hello! I am developing a map here and I have a search field and a map with the layers. I am using leaflet and the search I am doing customized, because the plugin does not meet my needs. I’m having trouble zooming in after finding what I’m looking for. Example: I searched a neighborhood and when I found to zoom in on its location. Before the explanations, follow what I have already done:
stComerciaisLayer = L.geoJSON(setoresComerciais, {
style: function (feature) {
return feature.properties && feature.properties.style;
Here the variable stComerciaisLayer
stores the json that contains all the data
source: setoresComerciais.features.map(function(d){
return d.properties.sco_num_sc + " - " + d.properties.sco_dsc_loc
select: function(event, ui){
The search is working 100%, is searching, autocomplete and is finding the value, the problem is time to zoom in on the value sought. When I make a console.log(ui.item.value)
the result is the searched value that corresponds to the return d.properties.sco_num_sc + " - " + d.properties.sco_dsc_loc
What am I doing wrong and how can I make this zoom work? And if possible they can explain me, because I can’t understand the mistake. My code is in my repository:
Thank you!