Manipulating Excel in Visual Studio


Viewed 969 times


I’m doing an application in Visual Studio with Visual Basic. This application will serve to consume data from a Webservice.

I have a problem with one of these Webservices, what happens is this:

I was able to take the data from a Web Service and save it in an Excel spreadsheet, creating this file in Excel and everything. But there is another web service that depends on information contained in this created spreadsheet. This information is in a column with the name of Sequence.

In case what I need:

  • The amount of cells and variables.
  • I need to open this spreadsheet
  • I need to make a Loop where the Range starts in the cell ( example: "A4" )

The code copies the value of this cell into a variable by adding a comma and go to the next cell until you find an empty cell.

Below is an explanation:

Assuming these are Spreadsheet Data:

A4 = 1    
A5 = 2    
A6 = 3    
A7 = 4

In case I want the variable to receive the values of cells A4 until A7, because from A8 onwards there are no data.

The variable is Sequence String type and I need her to stay that way:

Sequencia = 1,2,3,4

How can I do it ? Remembering that I am programming in Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2017.

1 answer


It will depend on the library you use, I did not program in Visual Basic, but I did it in . Net

Follow the example in c#:

ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage(stream);

var tab= 1;
ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.ElementAt(tab);

var row = 4;
var column = 1;
var value = ws.Cells[row, column].Value

var result = "";


    result += ","

  result += value

  value = ws.Cells[row, column].Value


In such case I am using Excelpackage by going to stream the file you opened, you can use another library to open the file such as Readerstream.

I hope it helps you a little.

  • Good evening Wallison, I appreciate the return and was surprised to be so fast. But I didn’t understand anything because I don’t know C#. I am developing in Visual Basic and to manipulate Excel I used the reference Microsoft Excel 12 Object Library. I have experience in VBA for Acces. I’ve done some programs that are active today. But for the ease of adaptation, I’m migrating to Visual Basic. If you can help me with Code in Visual Basic I appreciate it. But thanks just the same

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