How to insert sequence in non-automated field


Viewed 1,593 times


I need to insert records in a table with data from another continuing the sequence of a column that already exists in it, but the column I want to continue the sequence is not auto-incremented and the table has no primary key.


Table suppliers:

cod | nome
3   | Aloha
12  | Castor
21  | Tesla

Table contacts:

cod | nome
1   | Canada
2   | Asteca
3   | Limiar

I would like to be able to make an Insert more or less like this in the table contacts:

INSERT INTO contatos (cod, nome)
SELECT (SELECT MAX(cod) FROM contatos)+1, nome FROM fornecedores;

Expecting this result:

cod | nome
1   | Canada
2   | Asteca
3   | Limiar
4   | Aloha
5   | Castor
6   | Tesla

But the result is being this (repeating the code):

cod | nome
1   | Canada
2   | Asteca
3   | Limiar
4   | Aloha
4   | Castor
4   | Tesla

How to solve this problem?

2 answers


Try it like this:

INSERT INTO contatos (cod, nome)
     FROM contatos),0)+ row_number() OVER ()), nome FROM fornecedores;

I put the coalesce, in case the table contatos is empty, gives no problems, and I used the row_number as increment. Using +1 as increment will only work in one insert, for the value of Max(cod) will be the same on all lines returned by select so the value returned is repeated.

I put in Sqlfiddle:! 17/45bc5/4

  • 1

    That’s exactly what I needed, thank you very much!

  • Hello Rovann, how are you? I know you are an expert in Postgres so I’ll ask you a question, is it possible that Postgres saves a.txt file through a Rigger? For example: after an Insert it saves a column information in txt.

  • I did research and found nothing...

  • 1

    Thanks but this expert title does not fit me =/ rsrs To save some data in a txt file, just use the copy example: copy (select 'teste' ) to 'D:/Teste/teste.txt'where D: is a server drive (windows). Just put this command on your Rigger... documentation:

  • Wow, that helped a lot. Thank you.


If you can ensure that the vendor table has sequential code starting at 1 you can do:

INSERT INTO contatos (cod, nome)
SELECT (SELECT MAX(cod) FROM contatos) + cod, nome FROM fornecedores;

I put in the Github for future reference.

If you cannot do this then you would need to see the criteria to find a suitable solution.

Of course I wouldn’t rule out turning cod of contatos in a serial column, even if only to do this operation.

Can you make a Procedure or code in another language that makes column by column. It would be too simple code, just create a variable and increment it.

If I think of anything else I put here. It’s possible I have some trick with SELECT simple and pure that can be increased in the hand. I know that you can make a JOIN, but I find it very complicated and Gambi too.

  • 1

    Thank you for the Maniero Idea, but the Rovann Linhalis served perfectly! No problem in the situations that in the suppliers table the codes are with sequence missing and also do not start with 1.

  • 1

    Yes, I agree..

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