JSF error - The value of Columns attribute must be Greater than zero


Viewed 272 times


I have this problem, specifically in the Selectmanycheckbox component.

Follow the code of my Bean:

package controle;

import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List;

import javax.faces.bean.Managedbean; import javax.faces.bean.Viewscoped;

import exceptions.Negocioexception; import model.; import service.; import util. Messages;

@Managedbean @Viewscoped public class Cadastroatendimentobean Implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private AtendimentoService atdService = new AtendimentoService();
private Atendimento atdSelecionado;
private Long idAtendimento;
private List<Pessoa> clientes;
private List<Servico> servicos;
private PessoaService pesService = new PessoaService();
private ServicoService serService = new ServicoService();
private Long indice;

public AtendimentoService getAtdService() {
    return atdService;

public void setAtdService(AtendimentoService atdService) {
    this.atdService = atdService;

public Atendimento getAtdSelecionado() {
    return atdSelecionado;

public void setAtdelecionado(Atendimento atdSelecionado) {
    this.atdSelecionado = atdSelecionado;

public Long getIdAtendimento() {
    return idAtendimento;

public void setIdAtendimento(Long idAtendimento) {
    this.idAtendimento = idAtendimento;

public List<Servico> getServicos() {
    return servicos;

public void setServicos(List<Servico> servicos) {
    this.servicos = servicos;

public PessoaService getPesService() {
    return pesService;

public void setPesService(PessoaService pesService) {
    this.pesService = pesService;

public List <Pessoa> getClientes() {
    return clientes;

public void setClientes(List <Pessoa> clientes) {
    this.clientes = clientes;

public ServicoService getSerService() {
    return serService;

public void setSerService(ServicoService serService) {
    this.serService = serService;

public Long getIndice() {
    return indice;

public void setIndice(Long indice) {
    this.indice = indice;

public void inicializar() {
    clientes = pesService.buscarTodos();

    if(this.getIdAtendimento() != null) {
        this.atdSelecionado = this.atdService.buscaPorId(this.idAtendimento);

    if(this.atdSelecionado == null) {
        this.atdSelecionado = new Atendimento();


public void salvar() throws NegocioException {
    if (atdSelecionado != null){
        try {
        }catch(NegocioException e){
            Mensagens.msgErro("Erro ao salvar", e.getMessage());
        System.out.println("Cliente inválido!");

public boolean isEditing() {
    return (atdSelecionado.getIdAntendimento() == null ? false : true);


The xhtml:

<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

<ui:define name="titulo">

<ui:define name="conteudo">

       <p:commandButton value="Salvar" action="#{cadastroAtendimentoBean.salvar}" 

    <p:toolbarGroup align="right">
       <p:button value="Pesquisa" outcome="/pessoa/pesquisaPessoa.xhtml" />

 <p:panelGrid  columns="2"  style="margin-bottom:10px" >

     <p:outputLabel for="id-data" value="Data" />
     <p:inputText   id="id-data" value="#{cadastroAtendimentoBean.atdSelecionado.dataAtendimento}"
                    required="true"  requiredMessage="Informe a data do atendimento"/>

     <p:outputLabel for="id-valor" value="Valor" />
     <p:inputText   id="id-valor" value="#{cadastroAtendimentoBean.atdSelecionado.valorAtendimento}"
                    required="true"  requiredMessage="Informe o valor do atendimento."/>

     <p:outputLabel for="id-hrain" value="Hora início" />
     <p:inputText   id="id-hrain" value="#{cadastroAtendimentoBean.atdSelecionado.horaInAtendimento}"
                    required="true"  requiredMessage="Informe a hora de início do atendimento."/>

     <p:outputLabel for="id-hrout" value="Hora fim" />
     <p:inputNumber id="id-hrout" value="#{cadastroAtendimentoBean.atdSelecionado.horaOutAtendimento}"
                     required="true" requiredMessage="Informe a hora do final do atendimento" /> 

     <p:outputLabel for="id-cliAtendimento" value="Cliente" />
     <p:selectOneMenu id="id-cliAtendimento"  value="#{cadastroAtendimentoBean.atdSelecionado.pessoaAtendimento}"
           required="true" requiredMessage="Cliente é obrigatório">
         <f:selectItem itemLabel="Selecione o cliente"  />
         <f:selectItems value="#{cadastroAtendimentoBean.clientes}" 
                        itemValue="#{cli}" />

     <!-- ==================ERRO AQUI================ -->  
     <p:outputLabel for="id-servico" value="Servicos" />
     <p:selectManyCheckbox id="id-servico"
                           converter="servicoConverter" layout="grid">
         <f:attribute name="collectionType" value="java.util.ArrayList"/>
         <f:selectItems value="#{cadastroAtendimentoBean.servicos}" 
                        itemValue="#{servico}" />



These are the main JSF error outputs:

 Error Rendering View[/atendimento/cadastroAtendimento.xhtml]
 Caused by: javax.faces.FacesException: The value of columns attribute must be greater than zero.
 FATAL: JSF1073: javax.faces.FacesException obtido durante o             processamento de RENDER_RESPONSE 6: UIComponent-ClientId=, Message=The value of columns attribute must be greater than zero.
  • I solved the error, I don’t know the meaning, but I removed the layout="grid" field and everything went as expected.

  • Correcting, the "Columns" field was missing to indicate how many columns the grid should have.

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