Conversion to PDO


Viewed 91 times


I would like your help to transform the following code to PHP PDO.

I made the following conversions and commented on the front of the code, just to answer the question. It is if the conversion is correct?


function retorna($cod_material, $conn){
  $result_aluno = "SELECT nome FROM lista_geral WHERE cod_material = '$cod_material' LIMIT 1";
  $resultado_aluno = mysqli_query($conn, $result_aluno);
//$resultado_aluno = $pdo->query($conn, $result_aluno); //CONVERTIDO

    $row_aluno = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado_aluno);
   //$row_aluno = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC($resultado_aluno); //CONVERTIDO
    $valores['nome'] = $row_aluno['nome'];
    $valores['nome_aluno'] = 'Aluno não encontrado';
  return json_encode($valores);

  echo retorna($_GET['cod_material'], $conn);
  • Here and to answer questions and not make codes for you, study about PDO, see videos, read books and handouts and you will get, with effort and dedication

  • 1

    You are demonstrating that you copied and pasted this code here, who knows how to program in php easily understand Pdo I’m sorry, but I will try to help you yes

  • 1

    That code there is wrong, here can convert from mysql_ for the PDO.

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