What is the equivalent of the equalsIgnoreCase() in Kotlin?


Viewed 837 times


What is the equivalent of the method String.equalsIgnoreCase() of Java in Kotlin?

2 answers


To perform this comparison in Kotlin, pass the "ignoreCase" parameter in the equals function. Below is an example:

val texto1 = "testando";
val texto2 = "TESTANDO";
var resultado = texto1.equals(texto2, ignoreCase = true);


The methods that make sense to have this option, and not only the equals() do so through a parameter indicating box ignorance (ignore case). See the documentation of equals(). See also the documentation of String of Kotlin. Note that most methods have this parameter.

At this point I don’t know if I like Kotlin’s decision since Boolean parameters are usually accepted more or less universally as poor engineering. If you don’t have a very good reason for this choice I think it was a mistake. If you have a good reason it should be very well documented, which I didn’t find. And I love the language.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println("Texto Em Caixa".equals("texto em caixa", ignoreCase = true));
    println("Texto Em Caixa".equals("texto em caixa", ignoreCase = false));

Behold working in the ideone. Andin the repl it.. Also put on the Github for future reference.

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