FPDF with php last blank page


Viewed 247 times


I’m having a little problem in my code, it’s generating the last blank page.

Follow the creation of this code with the help of the community: FPDF with Mysql and PHP - Bringing Repeated Data

I’ve already changed the variables, but to no avail.


$yincrementasenha = 28.5;
$yincrementaserial = 20.3;
$Xrepetedireita = 177.8;
$Xrepeteesquerda = 74;

$linhas = 0; // Máximo de linhas por página
$coluna = 1; // Contagem de colunas
$count_lines = 0; // Contagem de linhas na página
$linha1= 0;
$linha2= 0;

    foreach (array_combine($my_serial, $my_passwords) as $serial2 => $dae1) {

    if ($coluna === 1){
        $pdf->SetY( $yincrementaserial ); # Define a posião para Cima ou para Baixo
        $pdf->Cell(150,10, $serial2,0,0); # Conteúdo do lado Esquerdo
        $pdf->SetY( $yincrementasenha ); # Define a posião para Cima ou para Baixo
        $pdf->Cell(150,10, $dae1,0,0); # Conteúdo do lado Esquerdo
        $coluna++; // Faz incremento na contagem de colunas[]

   elseif ($coluna === 2) {

         // Faz incremento na contagem de linhas
        $pdf->SetY( $yincrementaserial ); # Define a posião para Cima ou para Baixo
        $pdf->SetX($Xrepetedireita); # Define a posição para Esquerda ou para Direita
        $pdf->Cell(0,10, $serial2,0,0); # Conteúdo do lado Direito
        $pdf->SetY( $yincrementasenha ); # Define a posião para Cima ou para Baixo
        $pdf->SetX($Xrepetedireita); # Define a posição para Esquerda ou para Direita
        $pdf->Cell(0,10, $dae1,0,0); # Conteúdo do lado Direito
        $coluna = 1; //  Reset a contagem de colunas
        $yincrementaserial = $yincrementaserial+58;
        $yincrementasenha = $yincrementasenha+58;
     * Condição para verifcar se o números de linhas na página atual
     * é maior que cinco, se for adiciona nova página e reset as variáveis
    if ($linha1 && $linha2 > 4){

        $pdf->AddPage(); // Adiciona nova página
        // Reset as variáveis para seus valores iniciais
        $pdf->Image("imagemfundo.jpg", 0,0,210,295);
        $count_lines = 0;
        $yincrementasenha = 28.5;
        $yincrementaserial = 20.3;

  • When I answered another question I created the variable $linhas = 5; and if you look you will notice that it is not used, but set its value to zero, $linhas = 0;, within the while and after the condition add the line $linhas++;, create a new variable before the while and keep in it the number of records returned by the method mysqli_query ex: $registros = mysqli_num_rows($query);

  • Change the condition to if ($count_lines > 5 && $linhas < $registros), Obs.: There’s no way I can test at the moment.

  • I did according to your guidelines, but without success. I requested 100 vouchers, were generated 10 pages but the last comes with 2 blank vouchers.

  • I was left to add the $lines++ inside While, I made the correction.. but now instead of appearing 10 pages appear only 5 pages, as if counting every time you pass through a column... that is, dividing by two.

  • It worked for you @wmsouza?

  • I was checking the code now, and it’s funny that I created a table to simulate yours, and I put 101 records in them that total the 11 pages, and for me is normal. The only thing I changed there, was as I said in the first comment, that I was not using the variable $linha, leave it as it is before the comment and change only the leaving condition so: if ($count_lines >= $linhas)

  • Not yet, I did according to your first comment, then I did according to the second changing only the if ($count_lines >= $linhas) but now it only shows one page. I returned to the original code, where it keeps leaving the last two vouchers blank... I don’t know why

  • I changed the code in my question, in this mode is leaving the last two vouchers blank, I made your suggestions but it did not function.

  • See that within the condition if ($count_lines > 5) the variable $count_lines is receiving the value 1 and was supposed to be receiving 0, make this change and change the condition to if ($count_lines >= $linhas) and also change $linhas = 0; for $linhas = 3; that by the image of the other question I see that there are three lines per page.

  • see that I gave an update on the code, this is how it is now. Array with 70 codes, generating 8 pages, this way it is left a full page, ah and in the if I put > 4 because so I got the best result, when I add the > 5 adds only 6 pages, but to each page jump it is without 2 vouchers, example of the voucher 10 he jumps pro 13, then changes everything, where it was to end with 20 ends in 22, from 22 pula pro 25.

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