Problem to enter Switch


Viewed 41 times


Good afternoon, when running the program below, after typing the third note, the program ends without typing the letter needed to enter the switch. I tested with "i" getting whole number and the program worked.

Thank you.

float media_aritmetica(float nota1, float nota2, float nota3);

float media_ponderada(float nota1, float nota2, float nota3);

int main(){

    float nota1, nota2, nota3;
    float m;
    char i;

    printf("Digite o valor da primeira nota:");
    scanf("%f", &nota1);
    printf("Digite o valor da segunda nota:");
    scanf("%f", &nota2);
    printf("Digite o valor da terceira nota:");
    scanf("%f", &nota3);

    printf("Escolha uma das opcoes abaixo:\n");
    printf("A| Media Aritmetica\n");
    printf("B| Media Ponderada\n");
    scanf("%c", &i);


        case 'A':
            m = media_aritmetica(nota1,nota2,nota3);
            printf("A media aritmetica eh: %.2f", m);

        case 'B':
            m = media_ponderada(nota1,nota2,nota3);
            printf("A media ponderada eh : %.2f", m);

            printf("Letra Invalida!");
    return 0;

float media_aritmetica(float nota1, float nota2, float nota3){
    float media;
    media = (nota1+nota2+nota3)/3;
    return media;

float media_ponderada(float nota1, float nota2, float nota3){
    float media;
    media= ((5*nota1)+(3*nota2)+(2*nota3))/5+3+2;
    return media;
  • See

1 answer


When you enter the third note, the variable i receives the value of enter ( n) that is in the keyboard buffer.

You can solve 3 ways:

The first is to put a space before %c, because it would only read after space

    scanf(" %c", &i);

Another solution would be to change the scanf("%c", &i); to a getch()

    i = getch();

Another would put 2 scanf, one to receive the value of enter and another to receive the value of the character

    scanf("%c", &i);
    scanf("%c", &i);

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