Is there any way to dynamically put a mask in php?


Viewed 23,421 times


I would like to put masks in different fields, all via php, for example:

cnpj - "##.###.###/####-##"

Cpf - "###.###.###-##"

zip code - "#####-###"

telephone - "(##)####-####"

date - "##/##/####"

I don’t want to use jquery, or javascript masks, I would like to do it in php anyway, because I want to use these masks to format data coming from the database.

  • 1

    The expression "dynamically" is usually used when we refer to a change in HTML after it is already loaded on the page, so what you want is to mask before the HTML presentation ;)

  • I think "waste" doing this in server-side, will create an unnecessary work, which could be easily transferred to the customer, in your browser, but that’s just my opinion.

2 answers


php function that puts format the fields by putting masks.

function Mask($mask,$str){

    $str = str_replace(" ","",$str);

        $mask[strpos($mask,"#")] = $str[$i];

    return $mask;


------------------------ function call ----------------------------

$cnpj = '17804682000198';
echo Mask("##.###.###/####-##",$cnpj).'<BR>';

$cpf = '21450479480';
echo Mask("###.###.###-##",$cpf).'<BR>';

$cep = '36970000';
echo Mask("#####-###",$cep).'<BR>';

$telefone = '3391922727';
echo Mask("(##)####-####",$telefone).'<BR>';

$data = '21072014';
echo Mask("##/##/####",$data);
  • Functional, clean and readable. Thank you!

  • Excellent! Thank you.


You can use vsprintf as follows:

function format($mask,$string)
    return  vsprintf($mask, str_split($string));


$cnpjMask = "%s%s.%s%s%s.%s%s%s/%s%s%s%s-%s%s";
echo format($cnpjMask,'11622112000109');
  • 1

    simple option that uses features already available in php

  • Very simple and works well. Thank you.

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