I wanted to copy the Project Solution to my teacher, I can go to the file location and just copy the project and send it to him that it will work?
I wanted to copy the Project Solution to my teacher, I can go to the file location and just copy the project and send it to him that it will work?
Generally it’s supposed to work. If his VS is the same version. If more current form is likely to work, even if it needs an automatic conversion, in older versions than yours has a higher chance of not working.
Of course the project needs to be in order, needs to copy right (everything), has to put in the right place.
If the project has dependencies beyond what it has by default in VS you will have to install those dependencies, but in exercises and things like that it is unlikely to have extra dependencies. At least you shouldn’t.
We are talking about the project, if the application will run is already another problem. But there is already problem of deploy.
Copy all including the file . SLN
Or you can do something nicer and put in Git.
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Yes, you can just copy the whole folder.
– Jéf Bueno
Put it on github and link p/ your teacher :) hehe http://gabsferreira.com/criando-e-enviando-arquivos-para-seu-repositorio-github/
– Thiago Loureiro