.load does not work if element is already loaded


Viewed 183 times


I have the following problem. am using . load to perform an action after loading an iframe

$(document).ready(function() {

Everything works great, except if the iframe loads before the code. I came to this conclusion because I tested with iframe with only one word (to load faster) and several texts (to take a little longer to load). someone has some idea how to solve this?

1 answer


The problem is that jQuery code is running before iframe completes loading.

To ensure that this jQuery code runs after the iframe is loaded, you need to use $(Document).ready. Example:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('iframe').on('load',function() { 

Here’s the note that if you’re using jQuery and there’s no reason for iframe, maybe it’s best to load the content by ajax. Example:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('iframe').load('http://yoursite.tld/pagina', function() { 

In addition, it should be noted that



$('iframe').on('load', ...);

work in the same way. By the way, the . on() is recommended and exists from version 1.7 of jQuery (see http://api.jquery.com/on/)

  • Thanks for the reply, but although I have not specified, the code is already ready. Iframe is required as the goal is to upload without refresh. From the tests I’ve done, I believe it’s the iframe that’s being loaded before the code, because only it doesn’t work when the iframe loads too fast.

  • Ok. So maybe you should do the following: Remove the code from the page that includes the iframe and put $(#diviframe). fadeTo(200,1); within a $(Document). ready in the iframe’s own view (page). So your code only depends on the iframe.

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