Hello, everybody!
When building a simple inclusion process gave this following message!
Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that Corresponds to your Mysql server version for the right syntax to use near 'natural, naciona, profiss, nac_res, cpf_res, cin_res, est_civ, data_mat, ' at line 89
The Warning gives precisely the variable natural
Follow my SP code:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_IncluirDadosAluno( m_j_codcli char(5) , m_j_nome char(45), m_cind char(10), m_oexp char(15), m_cpff char(14), m_sexo char(1) , m_natural char(25), m_naciona char(25), m_profiss char(25), m_nac_res char(25), m_cpf_res char(14), m_cin_res char(10), m_est_civ char(25), m_data_mat char(10), m_data_nas char(10), m_pai char(45), m_mae char(45), m_data_nap char(10), m_data_nam char(10), m_endereco char(100), m_cidade char(35), m_bairro char(35), m_estado char(2) , m_cep char(10), m_telefone char(14), m_telefon1 char(14), m_email char(45), m_j_curso char(3) , m_j_serie char(3) , m_j_areas char(3) , m_ncurso char(35), m_nserie char(35), m_nareas char(35), m_j_turma char(10), m_j_turno char(1) , m_j_sala char(5) , m_j_situ char(1) , m_j_bols char(1) , m_descto double(10,2), m_foto char(30), m_J_CONV char(3) , m_NCONVE char(30), m_MATRCONV char(12), m_MATRREAL char(22), m_numero char(5) , m_ecivil char(12), m_certnasc char(25), m_ota char(1) , m_lestrang char(20), m_nac_mae char(25), m_civil_mae char(12), m_profis_mae char(30), m_cracha_mae char(25), m_cpf_mae char(14), m_ci_mae char(10), m_cracha_pai char(25), m_naci_mae char(25), m_estac_mae char(12), m_rf char(1) , m_nom_f char(45), m_pro_f char(30), m_cpf_f char(14), m_ci_f char(10), m_eci_f char(12), m_nac_f char(25), m_dna_f char(10), m_cra_f char(25), m_rped char(1) , m_nom_ped char(45), m_pro_ped char(30), m_cpf_ped char(14), m_ci_ped char(10), m_eci_ped char(12), m_nac_ped char(25), m_dna_ped char(10), m_cra_ped char(25) ) BEGIN INSERT INTO l01j14 ( j_codcli, j_nome, cind, oexp, cpff, sexo, natural, naciona, profiss, nac_res, cpf_res, cin_res, est_civ, data_mat, data_nas, pai, mae, data_nap, data_nam, endereco, cidade, bairro, estado, cep, telefone, telefon1, email, j_curso, j_serie, j_areas, ncurso, nserie, nareas, j_turma, j_turno, j_sala, j_situ, j_bols, descto, foto, J_CONV, NCONVE, MATRCONV, MATRREAL, numero, ecivil, certnasc, ota, lestrang, nac_mae, civil_mae, profis_mae, cracha_mae, cpf_mae, ci_mae, cracha_pai, naci_mae, estac_mae, rf, nom_f, pro_f, cpf_f, ci_f, eci_f, nac_f, dna_f, cra_f, rped, nom_ped, pro_ped, cpf_ped, ci_ped, eci_ped, nac_ped, dna_ped, cra_ped ) VALUES ( m_j_codcli, m_j_nome, m_cind, m_oexp, m_cpff, m_sexo, m_natural, m_naciona, m_profiss, m_nac_res, m_cpf_res, m_cin_res, m_est_civ, m_data_mat, m_data_nas, m_pai, m_mae, m_data_nap, m_data_nam, m_endereco, m_cidade, m_bairro, m_estado, m_cep, m_telefone, m_telefon1, m_email, m_j_curso, m_j_serie, m_j_areas, m_ncurso, m_nserie, m_nareas, m_j_turma, m_j_turno, m_j_sala, m_j_situ, m_j_bols, m_descto, m_foto, m_J_CONV, m_NCONVE, m_MATRCONV, m_MATRREAL, m_numero, m_ecivil, m_certnasc, m_ota, m_lestrang, m_nac_mae, m_civil_mae, m_profis_mae, m_cracha_mae, m_cpf_mae, m_ci_mae, m_cracha_pai, m_naci_mae, m_estac_mae, m_rf, m_nom_f, m_pro_f, m_cpf_f, m_ci_f, m_eci_f, m_nac_f, m_dna_f, m_cra_f, m_rped, m_nom_ped, m_pro_ped, m_cpf_ped, m_ci_ped, m_eci_ped, m_nac_ped, m_dna_ped, m_cra_ped ); END;
Now I understand very well, I am working on the conversion of a school system, which the company developed here and Fivewin + xHarbour, currently it can be said that he has everything except the webservice. Now I will be able to see what are the reserved words :) Reserved words from Mysql Thank you very much!
– Angelo Reis