Hello, I’m trying to get records based on the name of the stone and the tags.
** Tabela tag **
id nome
1 Sem categoria
2 cs
3 weapon
4 balrog
** Tabela tag_relac **
id_tag id_pedra
1 50
1 51
1 60
2 60
3 60
4 60
** Tabela pedras **
id nome
50 Teste
51 Teste 2
60 Balrog-1 Blue Explosion
If I set the name of the stone, it works.
SELECT pedras.nome, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tag.nome ORDER BY tag.nome ASC SEPARATOR ', ') AS tags FROM pedras LEFT JOIN tag_relac ON pedras.id = tag_relac.id_pedra LEFT JOIN tag ON tag_relac.id_tag = tag.id WHERE pedras.nome LIKE '%balrog%' OR tag.nome LIKE '%weapon%' GROUP BY pedras.id ORDER BY pedras.nome ASC
Now, if I set the name of the tag, it only returns what is related to the name.
SELECT pedras.nome, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tag.nome ORDER BY tag.nome ASC SEPARATOR ', ') AS tags FROM pedras LEFT JOIN tag_relac ON pedras.id = tag_relac.id_pedra LEFT JOIN tag ON tag_relac.id_tag = tag.id WHERE pedras.nome LIKE '%teste%' OR tag.nome LIKE '%weapon%' GROUP BY pedras.id ORDER BY pedras.nome ASC
Any idea?
I got it right. I used HAVING instead of WHERE. Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24415492/mysql-like-from-join-clausand-group-concat-returns-only-one-row-from-joined-ta
– Ainsley Harriott