Apache open from an . html file to another . html in another directory


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I’m using Apache to remotely access an html page, I replaced the file index.html that is in the folder /var/www/html for a file of mine that asks for an authentication and redirects the page to another file .html. window.location.replace('../ControlCenter/index2.html');

The file index2.html is located in /var/www/ControlCenter, I am using the following command to return a directory and access the respective file (../ControlCenter/index2.html) but when testing in the browser I cannot access the file as it accuses the error

404 not found

anyone knows how it is possible from the html file I access with meuip:80 to access other files on my computer without them being in the same folder! Placing all files in the same folder (.../var/www/html) I can move from one to the other without problem, but what happens is that instead of accessing the file directly index.html the list of existing files in the folder appears to select which one I want to run and the part of accessing other files is lost only after validating authentication.

Edit: I was able to solve the problem temporarily by renaming the file again as index.html, so I have all the necessary files in the same folder and when I access the browser I step directly to the login file! A new problem has arisen, how do I get access outside my network, I’ve read somewhere that I have to change some permissions, but I don’t know which or where, someone knows what to change or where I can find a tutorial how to do?

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