Send message from button


Viewed 44 times


I wanted to ask how can I send message from a button or message this written on that button

  • 1

    From what it seems you are wanting to learn how to program for Android in a question, this does not cost, I recommend you study Java, if you do not know, and then enter Android with some videos or articles

1 answer



Button botao = (Button) findViewById(;

String mensagemEscritaNoBotao = botao.getText();

botao.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
     public void onClick(View v) {
           // Ação para ser executada quando o botão é clicado
  • Thanks for the tip. Could you tell me what the XML part looks like please

  • is the id you find in XML

  • With this code you sent me I can create an action to record in Firebade or how can I do it

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