Android Studio. How to instantiate a method with a view in another class


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I have a method in Mainactivity2:

public void addfoto(View view) {

// meu código bla bla bla bla


And I want to call this method on Mainactivity. I’m trying this way but it gets the code wrong:

MainActivity2 m2 = new MainActivity2();

But it’s not working. How I do ?

  • What is the error that appears? Or no error appears? Do not omit anything, any detail is important to get a proper response

  • You have to matter the class Mainactivity2 if not, it will not work. Any doubt is just read this reply.

  • That’s stupid. It was the import of the class just like the colleague above spoke. Thank you !!!!

  • What if to call Onclicklistner another class? how do I ?

  • This is not a good principle, it is better to put the code of that click in a class that both Activities can call, assuming that it is indeed the same

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