Error sending a route to the same api/Controller/Action in a Webapi


Viewed 86 times


I’m having the following error, I perform the following operation:

        // POST: api/Funcionario/AddFuncionario
    public IActionResult AddFuncionario([FromBody] Funcionario Func)
        if(Func == null)
            return BadRequest();

        return CreatedAtRoute("BuscarPorId/{id}", new { id = Func.Id }, Func);


only that, on my return Createdatroute, the action Buscarporid is not being found, the following error appears: Invalidoperationexception: No route Matches the supplied values.

Follow my Api Action:

    public IActionResult BuscarPorId(int id)
        var item = funcionarioRepository.BuscarPorFuncionario(id);
        return new ObjectResult(item);
  • Okay, I did the following, named my request: [Httpget("Buscarporid/{id}", Name = "Buscarporid")] and in Return createdAtroute it looks like this: Return Createdatroute("Buscarporid", new { id = Func.Id }, Func);

1 answer


You need to name the route, the CreatedAtRoute search for a route by name and not by "template" hers.

[HttpGet("BuscarPorId/{id}", Name = "NomeDaRota")]
public IActionResult BuscarPorId(int id) { }

public IActionResult AddFuncionario([FromBody] Funcionario Func)
    // (...)
    return CreatedAtRoute("NomeDaRota", new { id = Func.Id }, Func);

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