Problem when climbing Web Api in core using Entity framework with postgresql


Viewed 81 times


Hello! So, I already checked my classes in the bank, I successfully mirrored and started to assemble the functionalities of my webservice. With that, I came across the following mistake: InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'CadFuncionario.Interface.IFuncionarioRepositorio' while attempting to activate 'CadFuncionario.Controllers.FuncionarioController

Follow my handler :

public class FuncionarioController : Controller
    private readonly IFuncionarioRepositorio _context;

    public FuncionarioController(IFuncionarioRepositorio context)
        _context = context;

    public IEnumerable<Funcionario> GetAll()
        return _context.ListarTodos();


My repository:

public interface IFuncionarioRepositorio
    //CRUDs Funcionario
    void Adicionar(Funcionario Func);
    void AttFuncionario(Funcionario Func);
    void DelFuncionario(int IdFunc);
    IEnumerable<Funcionario> ListarTodos();

The implementation of my interface:

public class FuncionarioRepositorio : IFuncionarioRepositorio
    private CadFuncContext _context;

    public FuncionarioRepositorio(CadFuncContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void Adicionar(Funcionario Func)

    public void AttFuncionario(Funcionario Func)

    public void DelFuncionario(int IdFunc)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public IEnumerable<Funcionario> ListarTodos()
        return _context.funcionario;

And the service, I’m adding so:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddEntityFrameworkNpgsql().AddDbContext<CadFuncContext>(opt =>

I’ll be looking forward to a little help

  • 1

    he can’t instantiate the controller because you need a IFuncionarioRepositorio context. I think you’re making a mess with repository / context... and in your controller, if you’re going to use a FuncionarioRepositorio needs to pass a CadFunContext in the builder, and this is not happening.

  • 1

    I did it! It was +- that, it was in the injection of the dependencies same, I changed the name of some variables, redefined and was!

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