Implicit conversion of the nvarchar data type into varbinary(max) is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to perform this query


Viewed 706 times


Follows code:

byte[] image1 = ConvertTo.Bytes(Request.Files[0]);
byte[] image2 = null;

.Where(x => x.Id == 1)
.Update(x => new User()
    ImageByte1 = image1,
    ImageByte2 = image2

I use this one:

Only the problem if I define null in ImageByte2. Follows error:

Implicit conversion of data type nvarchar to varbinary(max) does not is allowed. Use the CONVERT function to execute this query

Now if I set ImageByte1 and ImageByte2 as null, update normally or ImageByte1 and ImageByte2 other than null also makes update.

Some solution?

  • @LINQ, yes, they are voidable

  • He no longer accepts SqlBinary.Null :/

  • @LINQ, problem already solved by updating the latest version 1.7.9

1 answer


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