Good afternoon! I apologize if this matter is under discussion in another area of the forum, but I spent many hours looking for this tip and found nowhere. I ended up finding out by going through the libraries on listview. The listview has a property called Pullrefresh. So far so good, theoretically, it should work, when setting Scrollviewpos to a negative value, I saw in some places talking to put like this: Scrollviewpos < -40. There is a video of a dedicated programmer teaching to modify the Unit FMX.Platform.Android.pas, for me worked well until I migrated to Delhpi Tokyo, then began my despair, kkk. Well let’s get to the point, in Ios this works without problems, but in Android, I’ll give the hint, in Android Scrollviewpos never gets less than zero, I do not understand the reason, but it starts at 12 or instead of zero, to work, do the test like this: if Scrollviewpos < 12 then Begin your code here end; As incredible as it sounds, that’s it. I hope I helped someone with the tip Stay in the peace, Eduardo Gomes.