I need to make a pagination using dynamic querys because I have to do many joins, I’m trying to make only one select *
to test the use of native query + spring data, but the error message is as follows:
Cannot use native queries with dynamic sorting and/or pagination in method public abstract
Follows the code:
@Query(value = "select i.* " + "from VRS.TB_CLIE_INVS i ",nativeQuery = true)
Page<TbClieInv> testePaginacaoQuery(Pageable pageable);
Oracle database, my application is Restfull using spring boot, on our back, and front is Angular, I’m using Jparepository, when I use findAll from Jparepository works, but when I try to use with @query it doesn’t go up the project at all, it is not possible that I can only paginate with the predefined methods of Jparepository, I have huge Joins among many tables that only doing with dynamic query even, for now I am searching for information on the internet but still not found a way out.
– Leandro Jorge