Group By By Data


Viewed 857 times


I have a table called tsc, with the properties ID and DataHoraOcorrencia. I need to check the amount of ID for DataHoraOcorrecia.


    DataHoraOcorrencia as DataHora, 
    COUNT(tsc.ID) as Quantidade 
    FROM tsc 
    WHERE DataHoraOcorrencia BETWEEN '2017-07-01' AND '2017-07-30';

My problem is in the shape of DataHoraOcorrecia, because if I make a between date in the format aaaa-mm-dd, it brings me with the hours, and need only by day. In case it groups by date and time and not just by date.

The entity DataHoraOcorrencia is in format aaaa-mm-dd hh:ii:ss.

2 answers


Doing SQL this way already solves (just adding the function date() before the date field:

    DataHoraOcorrencia as DataHora, 
    COUNT(tsc.ID) as Quantidade 
    FROM tsc 
    WHERE Date(DataHoraOcorrencia) BETWEEN '2017-07-01' AND '2017-07-30'
 GROUP BY DataHoraOcorrencia;
  • In the case I still had to use GROUP BY. It worked, vlw.


Here is an example, used in SQL Sever

Declare @tabela as table(DataHoraOcorrencia datetime, Id int)
insert into @tabela (DataHoraOcorrencia, Id)
('10-07-2017 12:48:37',1),
('09-07-2017 10:40:30',2),
('10-07-2017 12:40:30',3),
('09-07-2017 12:30:30',4),
('10-07-2017 11:00:30',5)

    convert(Date,a.DataHoraOcorrencia) as DataHora, 
    COUNT(a.ID) as Quantidade 
    From @tabela a
    Where convert(Date,DataHoraOcorrencia) BETWEEN '2017-07-01' AND '2017-07-30'
   Group by convert(Date,a.DataHoraOcorrencia)

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