Friendly url does not accept bar after link


Viewed 276 times


I have in . htaccess the following code:

RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9-]+)/?$ categoria.php?key=$1 [NC,L]

It works perfectly, but when I put the bar after the link, it opens the page without CSS formatting, as if it were opening a new directory. Ex.:


Doesn’t work:

How would I make you accept the bar at the end of the directory?

1 answer


If your link to the css is being looking relative to the file so:


And your files are in the root folder of the directory (probably httpdocs or something like that) so the search of the file path takes place as follows:


It turns out that when you add the bar, your file that 'linka' the css understands that you are inside a folder roupas/, soon he looks so:


To get around this there are two ways I know, one is by putting the absolute path with the url of your domain:


Or the best solution is to put the path up a level folder if your files are all in the root folder of your domain like this:


Remembering that this goes for all file links (css/js) and in some cases on src of the images.

  • Hello Bruno. Actually the problem is in the user-friendly url within htaccess. Because the page that brings the information is the.php category and its css is usually picking up..

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    It just doesn’t work if you put the right bar?

  • I adjusted my post, I apologize for the misunderstanding.

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    KK just to understand why I got confused. URL does not open, or opens but only without css formatting?

  • The url opens normally when we do not put the bar, but when we do, it interprets as its a new directory

  • 1

    Tried to use my solution, or didn’t understand something.

  • I just tried and it worked. Really putting the absolute path worked. I will mark as correct answer. Thank you Bruno.

  • There’s still the tag base of html, I didn’t get to test but if you want to take a look, it seems interesting

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