HELP - I can’t identify error - PHP and SQL


Viewed 67 times


Hello, I am trying to bring in a table the grouping of all stages and item evaluation per year along with the average scores and weights.

I can only bring the last step and item p table, IE, is not doing the grouping, although the error is pointing p another line (357 - marked in the code below).



step item score weight year area (area n is required)

A,item 1,2,4,2010

A,item 1,5,2,2010

A,item 1,3,2,2010

A,item 2,3,2,2010

A,item 2,3,2,2010

B,item 1,2,4,2010

B,item 1,5,2,2010

B,item 1,3,2,2011

And on the screen, I need you to show:

step, item, AVG score, Avg weight, total, year

A,item 1,3.3,5.3,17.49,2010

A,item 2,3,2,6,2010

B,item 1,5,4,2010

B,item 1,3,2,2011

Any doubt in the tables, you can ask. I tried to do in a summary form

The error is as follows:

( ! ) Fatal error: Cannot use Object of type stdClass as array in C: wamp64 www system line 357

Follows code below:


        $pdo = Conexao::getInstance();

          $dados = $pdo->prepare("SELECT etapa, item_avaliacao,ano,AVG(pontuacao),AVG(peso) FROM item_avaliacao_pg GROUP BY etapa, item_avaliacao, ano");




   <!-- Main content -->
    <section class="content">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12">
          <div class="box">
            <div class="box-header">
            <h3 class="box-title">Item Avaliação PG</h3>
            <!-- /.box-header -->
            <div class="box-body">
              <table id="example1" class="table table-bordered table-striped">
                  <th>Item avaliação</th>
                  <th>Nível satisfação</th>

                <?php while($table = $dados->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)){

                //  echo'<td><img src="'.$table->nivel_satisfacao.'" height="42" width="42"></td>';
                  echo'<td>'.$table['AVG(pontuacao)'].'</td>'; //LINHA 357
                 // echo '<td><a class="btn btn-app" href="editando-item-avaliacao.php?id='.$table->id_item_avaliacao_pg.'"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i>Editar</a></td>';

                  <th>Item Avaliação</th>
                  <th>Nível Satisfação</th>

Thank you!

1 answer


The error says that an object cannot be manipulated as an array. Square brackets are used to access values from an ex array $usuario['nome'] to access properties of an object use the arrow (->) $usuario->nome.

The format the PDO returns the data is specified in fetch() be want to work with arrays change:




Also give alias for fields with avg() so it becomes a simple name to recover later.

  • Hi, buddy. Thanks for the availability. So, I tried this, but then it shows only the numerical results, not showing item, step and year. Error: ( ! ) Notice: Trying to get Property of non-object in C: wamp64 www System 353 This line is precisely from the step variable. I will try to create two fetch to see.

  • I managed to resolve, I had to pick up the strings inside the while, so I was just picking up the last one. Thanks again!

  • 1

    @Isadoraalmeida there you need to change the elements you have -> to use colcehtes, $table->etapa flipped $table['etapa']

  • Perfect, @rray is just that. But I accidentally put it out of the while. Now it is. Thank you

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