Datetime UTC Opening hours NF-e


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How can I change the time zone of a type variable DateTime?

The idea is to make a routine where the user does not need to change the time of the computer to perform NF-e transmissions, but is dynamic without having to fail in the code the current time zone.

  • Please explain a little better what you want to do. Maybe a pseudo-code will help.

  • The NF- There is a tag where it is necessary to pass the date and time in UTC format (-03:00), remembering that we are in daylight time it changes this time zone to (-02:00), causing the note to generate errors in the fields due to this difference. In many cases some programmers prefer not to change the time of the computer/server responsible for this type of emission, but would like a more dynamic solution without relying on the user

  • 2

    That sounds like POG to me

  • @Rovannlinhalis what its solution would be, since every computer today automatically updates the time in summer time and the revenue keeps as standard the time in GMT(-03:00). Remembering that I cannot send the time with GMT(-02:00) as I get an incorrect tag return.

  • aspx

  • 1

    Is there any reference that the recipe keeps GMT-0300 always? I don’t doubt why government makes these. The correct is to use local time, that treats daylight savings time, or UTC to be agnostic.

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1 answer


According to the taxpayer’s guidance manual, Sefaz does adopt daylight saving time. Therefore, you should inform the zone -03:00 when you are not in daylight saving time and -02:00 when you are (considering Brasilia time).

Example of tag dhEvento on page 81:

Data e hora do evento no formato AAAA-MMDDThh:mm:ssTZD
(UTC - Universal Coordinated
Time, onde TZD pode ser -02:00 (Fernando de
Noronha), -03:00 (Brasília) ou -04:00 (Manaus), no
horário de verão serão -01:00, -02:00 e -03:00. Ex.:

Manual link:

One problem that may happen, is that in windows there is the option Ajustar automaticamente para o horário de verão

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

(Consider shipping time as now, 14:00)

If this option is not checked, and your time is correct, you will send 14:00 in the -03:00 zone and the Sefaz will receive at 14:00 in the -02:00 zone. There will be rejection.

The correct is the option to be checked, and the upload will be in zone -02:00, even if your zone is (UTC-03:00) Brasília.

I did some tests:

Windows Zone (UTC-03:00) Brasilia, unchecked option:


Upshot: 2017-11-08T14:05:55-03:00

Windows zone (UTC-03:00) Brasilia, option checked:


Upshot: 2017-11-08T14:03:34-02:00

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