Bring descriptive information from a PHP sequence


Viewed 30 times


I have a form, one of the fields is a dropdown that consults and brings the results as below:

<select name="convenio" id="convenio" class="input" style="width:260px">
                                    <option value="selecione"><--- Selecione uma opção ---> </option>
                                    <? while (($exibe = oci_fetch_array($parsed_conv, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) != false) {
                                                $CD_CONVENIO    = $exibe ['CD_CONVENIO'];   
                                                $DS_CONVENIO    = $exibe ['DS_CONVENIO'];
                                    <option value="<?=$CD_CONVENIO?>"><?=$DS_CONVENIO?></option>
                                    <? } ?>

I have the expected results on the form.

Once completed, in a method post, send the form data to another page.

On this other page, I receive the information from the field above as below:

$NM_CONVENIO       = $_POST['convenio'];    

This variable $NM_CONVENIO is receiving column data CD_CONVENIO, I don’t want that, I want her to get a description of that sequence, that is, another column, the DS_CONVENIO presented in the form. How can I do this?

1 answer


I think I just need to change this line of code by putting $DS_CONVENIO in value:

<option value="<?=$DS_CONVENIO?>"><?=$DS_CONVENIO?></option>

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