Good afternoon I have the following query:
select distinct(T.Grupo) 'Grupo', MAX(G.Descricao) 'Grupo', sum(E.QtdCat*S.FactConvEst) 'M2 cativos'
from EncLin as E
INNER JOIN Stock as s
on s.CodProd=e.CodProd
inner join terceiros as t
on t.terceiro=e.Terceiro
inner join grupo as g
on g.Grupo=t.grupo
E.QtdCat>0 and E.Estado in ('P','N','C') and E.Arm not in ('03P','05G') and E.TpDoc not in ('ENI','ENS')
Group by T.Grupo
order by 3 desc, 2
I needed to add two more columns, one that returns the value of sum(E.QtdcatS.Factconvest) when E.State='N' and another that returns the value of sum(E.QtdcatS.Factconvest) when E.State='C'.
I think this is done with case... But I’m not sure until because I’ve tried and is giving wrong values.
your query run in the database by copying and pasting it you get result or error ?
– user92870
@Vitor T I get result.
– Diogo Jesus