How can I create a query with alternate sorting in Rails 5?


Viewed 31 times


I have the following formatting in my database

- Name
- Id Loja

with the following records

Product 1 - Shop 1
Product 2 - Shop 1
Product 3 - Shop 3
Product 4 - Shop 1
Product 5 - Store 2
Product 6 - Shop 2
Product 7 - Shop 1
Product 8 - Shop 1
Product 9 - Shop 3
Product 10- Shop 3

I want to make a query where I bring the result by alternating the "Store Id", something that was in the following format:

Product 1 - Shop 1
Product 5 - Store 2
Product 3 - Shop 3
Product 2 - Shop 1
Product 6 - Shop 2
Product 9 - Shop 3
Product 4 - Shop 1
Product 10- Shop 3
Product 7 - Shop 1
Product 8 - Shop 1

This listing will be paginated yet.

1 answer


Just use the "order" method your model already inherits from Activerecord:

Produto.order("loja_id asc, nome asc")
  • Thanks for the reply Orlando, but this won’t help me, because I need the result of the query to be alternated by the "Store ID", using the order as you mentioned, it may only come products from the same store in sequence.

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